dackbar's Replies

How long did it take you to figure out where the apostrophes were? Do you bang your head into walls a lot? Are you still going, holy fuck! Awww, poor baby. No need to get mad, I just don't have to stare at my keyboard like a Neanderthal typing. LOL, you sucker, led down my rabbit hole. Ignorant fuck. You ignorant sucker. Btw, how does it feel to get played deep diving into this conversation? Oh, good emoji... it's rough I can't take it. LOL. Are you a 14 Y.O. girl? Again, you and your views are a joke. Conspiracy loony bin shit. You have been weighed, measured and come up lacking. Are you gay? Any more bullshit you want to spout? Fucking up simple sentences^ Nope, not mad, just pointing out stupid. Did you marry your sister? Is that why you are so angry? How's that Polio vaccine working out? Measles..mumps..etc. does a typo matter? still a rambling idiot. Is this supposed to mean anything? Are you gay? It's like word salad from a rambling idiot. Aww, ya got nuthin do you? Brain is hammering for a good response...and that's your best? LOL, you're a joke and everyone knows. Your views are antiquated. Invent a time machine, go back to the 50's in Alabama. I'm sure you will be happy there. Ok.... buffoon. What's the matter? You insult people all day on here. You got nothing but that? Are you old and crusty and gonna die soon or are just some middle aged disturbed wierdo? Stuff it up your ass you easily fooled buffoon. Eat shit yourself you useless twat. So a meager accumulation of cops with handguns were supposed to stop a huge mob of people? Your living in your own fantasy. Of course you don't, your a loon tied to whatever your Furer says. He could tell you to bend over and take and you would. You have no spine. You believe what you are told by the outlets you chose. You have no rational thought, it's all knee jerk responses. You are a follower.