darb112's Replies

This is one of the more underrated movies I've seen in quite a while. I gave this a solid 7 and thoroughly enjoyed it. A guy on this thread said "blair witch" ripoff, but it has nothing to do with blair witch except it is filmed by one of the people in the film. I normally don't like that type of movie (found footage, self-filmed) but they actually pull it off as well as you can. The story is cool. I like horror with a bit of a religious twist and there are some legitimately scary moments. I see they are working on a part 2 which I'm looking forward to seeing. You didn't even watch the movie. There are 2 boys and 1 girl. This movie was way better than I expected and I recommend it. It's definitely one of the better found footage movies and I don't generally like found footage. Just someone who found it and it had a tag on it that said property of the school with the school address. I've heard of people finding a wallet and other things with an address in it or attached and just dropping it in the mail. It's not too unbelievable. The movie was a lot better than what I was expecting. Despite what one poster said about many plot holes. I didn't see any plot holes and I don't think anyone can point one out. I highly recommend this movie if you enjoy a good mystery with a possible alien twist. I'm not a fan of "found footage" movies, but I think they actually made this one more believable than most. Looks like I hit the right nerve. I just don't like to watch an entire movie only to end it with some agenda being shoved down my throat. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to see the difference. Before you reply back that heterosexuals have been shoving their agenda for 100 years, i'll remind you that it's good business to play to your audience and since there are less than 5% of homosexuals in the USA, it doesn't make ANY business sense to make entertainment that doesn't entertain the vast majority. I'm also sure you are intelligent enough to understand that. Now, I don't mind if you want to make a movie/tv show that is centered around things that don't entertain me, but just don't pretend it is what it isn't and then shove it down my throat in the last 10 seconds. I'm SURE you are intelligent enough to understand that. BTW, there might be something wrong with THAT agenda if the only way you can sell it is in the last 10 seconds. At the very end, Richie carves "R + E" into wooden back of a bench...indicating that Richie and Eddie were lovers or he was in love with him. You not remembering it doesn't surprise me because it had nothing to do with the story or plot and the only apparent reason was to throw in a pro-homosexual agenda at the close. If they want to make a homosexual movie, go for it, but don't shove it down our throats in the last 10 seconds. A recent viewing on TCM, they reported that 2 endings actually had been shot. Now I'm curious if the original poster is correct and the ending shown in theaters was the demand to ban boxing. TCM reported both endings exactly as stated by the original poster. Interesting stuff. Agreed. That was my biggest problem with a great movie. It was fun having Baer in the movie, but just seemed too old for the part. I have to agree. I had never seen it. Somehow it did not get the attention it deserves. A serious remake could be done on this that could be very good. I love your ending. This would have been so much better and creepier. Great movie until the end. Definitely underrated. I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, it was really solid until the very end when Malfeitor possessed Linda and she was dressed like him. That got a little silly. I wish the ending was more solid. I think if the ending didn't enter the realm of silly, it would easily been considered one of the 80s top horror movies. I totally agree. The ending wasn't clever as I'm sure Tarentino thinks it is. The ending was boring and pointless. I'm not a Tarentino fan. The only movie I've enjoyed of his was Inglorious Basterds. Most of his movies are over the top attempts to shock and many people think that is what makes a good movie.