darb112's Replies

He was amazing in Altered States and more recently, he was genius in the Condor series. Definitely underrated. Don't bail half-way through it. It all comes together in the end and was good. Cage pulls it off. I'm certain most of the negative reviews found elsewhere are because they didn't finish it. Couldn't agree more. The best movie I've seen over the past couple years. It takes you on a journey and screws with your mind. I hope the director, which this seems to be his first major full length movie, continues to have the opportunities to put out films like this. Highly recommend it. It's actually really good. Blowing into the bottle is a distraction from the rest of the movie. The sound IMO is meant to mimic Tibetan / Indian monks and relates to the opening of the movie. The monk sound I refer to can be found here: https://youtu.be/JvyhxY54M3I Honestly one of the best movies in the last 2 years. Watch it in the dark...in silence and don't get distracted. I would like to see current law on this. I can't believe it's *still* legal to show an underage character nude in a film. Personally, I'm against it. Couldn't agree more. I'm hearing this is the last season which is absolutely criminal. I can't explain the genius of this show, but you have to see it and you are hooked. The lead character RAY is so complex...he delves into your heart, mind and conscience. Not better at all. Voyagers was very average movie with little money spent on special effects or sets. Passengers is a much better movie in pretty much every way. I do think it is a masterpiece. One of Cage's best performances and Cosmatos is pure genius. Cosmatos's previous movie, "Beyond the black Rainbow" had so many pieces of genius, but they just weren't connected in a coherent way. Mandy, on the other hand, brings the pieces of genius together and at the end, my mind was blown. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next and would love to see Cage involved. BTW, if you haven't seen Cage in "Color out of Space", I thought that was another great Cage movie. Couldn't agree more. Before watching, I read part "comedy", but never took any of it as comedy and it does not seem intended as comedy. It is a psychological horror like you said. Agreed. I guess he was trying to see if she could have jumped from the bathroom window to the next window and might be lurking in the main room again, but after he determined the window was unlocked, that's all he needed. Why try to raise it up quite a ways? Definitely a weak moment in the movie devised to keep the plot moving. This was a "decent" effort by the Coen brothers. Not a bad movie for being one of their first, but this is definitely overrated. I don't mind a slow burn, but this movie was an extreme slow burn. I'd give it a solid 6/10 I'll agree the TV series had a lot of potential. It was good. Terminator 2 might be the best movie ever made (you heard me right, best movie ever made) and Terminator 1 comes next in line of Terminator movies. That idiot that played John Connor in Terminator 3 was so annoying and miscast. Besides that, it was a solid movie I would place after Terminator 1. I still can't believe James Cameron let them destroy the John Connor storyline in Dark Fate. THE entire series is based on that storyline. Come on James Cameron! I don't know about the actual show being good or bad. I also was excited about the show, but had a lot going on at the time. I watched one or two episodes and the deciding factor to stop watching it was the theme song (as silly as that sounds). It was terrible and did not fit with a sci-fi space exploration show at all. The opening was literally painful to listen to. BUT I have thought about giving it another try....was the show itself good? I've heard pretty good things. So in the end, the "aliens" were taking Bowman further along an evolutionary path beyond mere humanity? I kinda like it. I guess the movie doesn't really show him being much different than other humans though...just simply aging. Then in the beginning of 2010 they try to tie it together when Bowman says "My God, it's full of stars"...perhaps that's a nod to the viewer letting them know Bowman has reached a higher evolutionary level. I like your take. I do think Kubrick could have tied it together a lot better at the end, but it is what it is. You understood that he was in a "zoo" at the end? There is nothing to indicate that in the movie unless you care to tell us what? I think you're trying to say you came up with your own ending which may have been Kubrick's intent, but there is no way anyone would have come up with the "zoo" ending, that Kubrick indicated in the interview posted above, simply by watching the ending of the movie. the girl says "I thought she was possessed" the cop asked what would make her think that and according to the subtitles she says "He... I guess they told me, I...." and that's it. I guess she was just saying she convinced herself the girl was possessed because the others were saying she was or could be. Not very graphic. Mostly some kissing and just seeing the top of their bodies in shower together. Not graphic. I appreciate them being upfront about it and not trying to surprise us with it halfway through. The movie is average. Acting is average. Story predictable and honestly a bit boring. They didn't make Andy's breakdown believable with his actions. Worth watching if you have 90 minutes to kill. There was a little tongue and cheek comedy written in, but mostly a serious fantasy action movie. Very entertaining. The ending was awesome. I was cheering for the good guys at the end. It's a shame this was this was Steve Barkett's second and final movie. He acted in quite a few movies, but this was his last one directing. I watched both in the last 2 days and they were both highly entertaining and the sets, visuals, music, dialogue were all really entertaining. NEWMAN did it again...well he wasn't NEWMAN in "Empire of the Dark", but another very solid movie. I wish he would have made more. He's a good character and he pretty much did everything in making his movies. I liked THE AFTERMATH a little more because of the space sci-fi angle, but I highly recommend both. I'm glad you kinda enjoyed it. You are right, it had a lot of heart. The director Steve Barkett only directed one more movie called "Empire of the Dark". I found it on youtube. I'll watch it soon and report back.