Jsully9's Replies

I wouldn't trust this Fucking Retard to flush the toilet. President...I'd vote for a can of cat food over this Cunt. Tbey were all happy and lived a good life because they haven't met liberals who would end up, fucking everything up. Another day on Earth w/o this piece of shit...it's a fabulous day. Happy July 4th! I aint paying no $5.00 for a gallon of gas. HAHA you ain't getting no gas! No one will see this POS. It's great to have Fag shit shoved down out throats. Fuck the #LGBTQSDVHY community. The world can't wait for the SCOTUS to abolishe the same sex marriage bullshit. Another day saying this fucking asshole is an asshole. Fuck him, you libs, fags, trannys and the FULGBTHBFCDEZDGH mental cases! Oh and your pig Kamala has had more more cocks in her that the urinal at the Rose Bowl. What's great is, this woman is a woman and always will be. Ellen is a goddamn woman not a man. Anyone who thinks this is a man is a head case, science says there are 2 genders...Too bad you liberal Fucks! This movie fits great in Florida, the club could be in Disney World. What do you mean, with all the female teachers fucking their students I thought this was kosher. They could Call it, The Roman Polanski Story. It's a new day, and he's still a Cocksucker! How come this thing looks like skin stretched over a skeleton? This sissy boy is a girl and will always be a girl. So 2 things are certain, libs. This thing will never be a man and you will have to learn to keep your legs closed. This is a woman named Ellen, now she's just a sissy wanna be man. Hes drug free, and still a dead motherfucker.. AND it's ALL his fault. What a better world w/o this piece of shit in it. No it's Andrew Jackson. I think she looks like an African pygmy! She an ugly bitch. Yep he's a cocksucker. Women athletes won't be around soon. They let men, and they will always be men, compete against real women, the cock holders gonna win everytime. I bet they give Barbie a cock, she'll have a black girlfriend, and will have had 3 abortions because she can't keep her legs closed. A typical liberal Pig!