MovieChat Forums > Ed > Replies

Ed's Replies

I love the old Hollywood style of acting. And the Technicolor. And soaring music. They don’t make them like this anymore. One of my favorite films ever as a kid, and remains so to this day. It’s so 80’s! I feel the main problem is that Daisy is just not a good enough actress. True, the material she has to deal with is substandard, and the direction not great, but a truly talented actor can transcend the material. In Daisy’s case, I feel the facial expressions are usually off, the body language too aggressive or put-offish, and the line delivery flat. A few tweaks here and there, and she could have made Rey a more sympathetic or interesting character. For me, I am a big fan of the Kubrick Shining film, and I had zero faith of this new film even coming close to the artistry of that film. Also, and this is petty, but.... the title “doctor sleep” is just plain stupid and does nothing to entice me. Sleeping Beauty is my favorite Disney animated film. It’s glorious and the classical music is great!