Rattlehead82's Replies

I don't see what's wrong with his statement. He clearly says if kaepernick EARNED it, he should get a shot. That's a reasonable stance. Not have it given to him like a lot of leftists want. The problem is kaepernick has no intention of signing with another team, he makes plenty of money with his Nike endorsement. Plus, it'll remain a mystery if he can even still play. He'll play up the sympathy and martyrdom as long as he can. Sort of. The movie explains it that the frogs whose DNA they used were able to change their sex for the purpose of mating. So the dinosaurs picked up that trait. Kind of an oversight by the Jurassic Park scientists, if you ask me lol. Hah, small world. I tried to ask on another forum about these cartons but was unsuccessful. This might remain a mystery for a while, unfortunately. Sorry, I'm in Florida. That's amazing. No reply yet, I assume? It's a bit weird, yeah lol. But I'm definitely intrigued now. I'm with you. I WANT TO KNOW! I might take another look and see if I can get a better picture. https://s7.gifyu.com/images/20200613_133038.jpg Popped in my DVD copy and took what I think is a screenshot of what you're talking about. This movie came out just before I was born so I don't recognize the bottles. Hopefully someone will be able to help you more. So anyway, how's your sex life? No particular order: Breakdown Estranged November Rain Coma This I Love Might get some flak for that last one since it's just Axl left on that album, but there are several songs I really like on it. I could see that being a possible interpretation. The first was definitely just a joke. The second one was kind of prompted because of the comment Hammond made about how he should be the one that goes because he was a man. I hate the SJW stuff as much as anyone, but this thread is reaching or just trolling. Time is undefeated. China thanks you for your spread of their propaganda. You are awarded 1 social point. Bit of a late response, but I was under the impression that he just trapped the king's soul in the bird. Been a while since I watched that episode, so my memory might be way off.