BuckSwope's Replies

How dare you! This thread is creepy AF. I grew up around guns. My father was a gunsmith. I have no problem with the right to bear arms. I carry a Glock 17 when I travel. Buying alcohol and cigs is not a right written into the constitution. Can't you see the difference? And I'm 47. I haven't shown I.D. for beer in years. And LOL....your post reminded me of the time Trump said you have to show I.D. to buy groceries. It highlights the fact that the fat piece of shit hasn't bought groceries in his life. Voting is a right mandated by the constitution. Making "hurdles" to keep people from voting is an affront to democracy. Republicans are the swine that suppress voter's rights. If a voter ID was issued to all citizens free of cost then I have no problem with an I.D. law. Otherwise is constitutes a poll tax that adversely affects low-income voters. "Voter fraud" is a red herring to disguise voter suppression. It does work, though. Voter suppression has been a part of our democracy since the beginning. Placing groups of people into categories is bigoted. Trump does this. He is a bigoted fat asshole. I'll use the word as long as it applies. Call me when the shuttle lands. Nothing to do with today's Democrat party. At all. Trying to tie Jones into the mix says a lot about you. I bet you are one of those that ties the KKK to the DEM party without understanding the paradigm shift in parties during the civil rights movement. Am I right? I thought so. Critical thinking is not something a conservative is good at. Yes I know who Jim Jones was. He was a very sick cult leader. His politics have nothing to do with the democrat party. And don't "PS" me, lol. It sounds like a high school sweetheart note. So you won't read documentation of Trump's bigotry. Typical Trump supporter. Ignore all facts and blindly follow. Enjoy the kool aid. I respect this opinion although I don't completely agree with it. Holy shit you are delusional. Trump is incredibly divisive. You just have blinders on. I'll leave you with a couple of articles outlining Trump's bigotry. Read up buttercup! https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/editorials/2019/07/15/trump-racism-omar-pressley-tlaib-ocasio-cortez-our-view/1740646001/ https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/ Any post that declares "Trump isn't a bigot" loses all credibility. Julie and Julia. Stereotyping is wrong. Trump called democrats "scum". I find it telling that you call out the "extreme left" and don't mention the right. Individuality and freedom of speech are liberal ideas as well. Conservatism is the antithesis of those principals. I'm not sure what kind of "lifetime liberal" you are. You sure don't sound like one. Yeah he's a goofball. I have noticed that bigotry is more openly accepted now that there is a bigot in the Whitehouse. Bigotry has become more mainstream. This is not a good thing.