BuckSwope's Replies

The CIA killed him with help from the mafia. I wouldn't doubt the mafia provided a gunman or two and they definitely provided cover as in getting the operatives dafuq out of dodge after the deed was done. Wow this forum has people(such as you) that are just so far ahead of me in the film dept. I'll drop a few...…. P.T. Anderson 1. Magnolia 2. There Will Be Blood 3. Boogie Nights Spielberg 1. Duel 2. Jaws 3. Close Encounters Side note-I met Richard Dreyfus once in an executives office on Paramount studios when I was 15. He was working on a script and read some stuff to the people in the room. He made it a point to engage me and ask my opinion. It was a kind gesture I will never forget. He was writing a comedy and I found his wit to be amazing. Tarantino 1. Jackie Brown 2. Pulp Fiction 3. Reservoir Dogs Scorsese 1. Goodfellas(my #1 movie of all-time) 2. Taxi Driver 3. Mean Streets That's all I have off the top of my head. As I said I am not on your level. Did a little looking up.....I'll drop these 2 directors in the mix... Rob Reiner. 1. This Is Spinal Tap 2. Stand By Me 3. A Few Good Men Frank Capra 1. Arsenic and Old Lace 2. It's a Wonderful Life 3. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Thank you and enjoy my first thread about PT Anderson and Tarantino if that is your thing. Thanks DogDad for being my first contact here. If he is facing charges you best believe he will turn on people. Side question: How strict are MODs here? Cursing, name-calling, etc. What are things I need to look out for? 70s films are so ridiculous that they have become comedy. There are exceptions of course. "Mean Streets" for example. 2010's. A bunch of comic book super-hero BS. You have some good animated films made for youngsters but my kid is an adult now so I don't even bother to watch them, although some do have important lessons. This decade has been the death-rattle for character-driven dialogue heavy films. They make no money at the box office so the ones that are made are out of love for the craft I suppose. Holy crap you guys are good! My mind is a blank. Not a film but the "cripple fight" on South Park reenacted the fight scene from "They Live". Tarantino films are scattered with nods to past films as well. The only way Rudy will testify is if his balls are in the frying pan and he has to save his own skin. Otherwise he will resist will all his might. He may even risk a "contempt" charge. Yes Biden was a bit touchy. He is being attacked. Can I assume you are a Trump voter? If so, how on earth can you call out another politician as "a little touchy" when Trump is the most thin-skinned man alive. I mean, c'mon. Pot, meet kettle. -B. Swope.