RipRoss's Replies

It sounds like a movie that gay men and liberal white women will love. I picked it. Understood. I was just messing with you. Yes they should have him an upstanding citizen who treats all people and especially women with the utmost respect. The movie would have been really hilarious then. You’re right. His smile diminishes the danger of the plot and has now ruined the movie for me. That’s a good point. This might actually be a case where transsexual representation is warranted. The website is called MovieChat, and the purpose of it is to chat about movies. If a particular actress happens to be currently popular and appears in many prominent movies, then it is natural that she would be a frequent topic of conversation. The Wrath of Khan is the only Star Trek movie that will be remembered over the passage of time. TMP was a terribly-paced snooze fest and rightfully ended Gene Rodenberry's reputation as a serious creative force. The same thing the USA did and look how well that worked out for us. He’s a hero to the black community for getting away with it. Taking responsibility for his actions would mar his legacy. Two affluent white women and a beta white guy. Par for the course on left wing news shows. They made the chick a girl boss and all the men either bad guys or buffoons. She was miscast and the character was badly written. I wouldn't put too much blame on her acting except to say maybe the role was outside of her range. Sadly true. Another fine mess that Kathleen Kennedy has gotten Disney into. How many slices of birthday cake do you think he'll eat? My guess is all of them. In the next movie they'll be pink and blue to identify him as trans. Sorry but they're extras and their feelings don't count. Nope. I’m wearing a flannel shirt and MAGA hat, but nice try.