RipRoss's Replies

I’m sure if Michael Phelps had done the same thing that he also would have been hailed for his bravery. Celebrity with a $25 million net worth. Somehow I think she's not too remorseful. It's almost as if people are getting burned out on superhero movies and the tilt toward identity politics that the MCU is taking is exasperating the situation. White and UFC fans in general are big Trump supporters. ESPN didn't even mention that Trump was there or bother to show him watching the fight. Do you think all that would have been the case if it was Obama who was there? If nobody cares why did they go to the trouble of cutting away from it? A man being allowed to portray a female character would be yet another example of Hollywood male privilege. He should drop out of the role so that it can be rightly played by a female actress. So the show got canceled because you have poor taste? Because Western democracies are becoming increasingly feminized and are less of a sure audience for these type of films. Kathleen Kennedy isn't exactly respectful of canon so it's an irrelevant point now anyway. #2 That's a good idea for the ending but I still prefer the actual ending. Like others I thought the scraggly guys were going to off him too; considering their story didn't go anywhere I'd say they were just intended as a diversion. Phil killing Howard was genuinely surprising and almost felt random. And Phil was acting on emotion rather than logic which made for a more interesting scene. It was also an appropriately chaotic moment to end such a chaotic movie. I think you're right. Wish I got to see it on the big screen. <blockquote>Now, are you really going to tell me that you are as hurt or offended by a black women playing a white role as a black person would be to see Maya Angelou being played but a white woman.</blockquote> No I would just find both situations to be ridiculous and funny. Just like how Watchmen became a limited series after the first season flopped.