fn217phasma's Replies

Nope obviously it did because you openly admitted that it factored into you rating it lower. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar, it is time to come clean. You yourself said it factored into you rating it lower. Your words not mine. I understand you hate the film regardless that is not the point. You openly admitted on a public form that it's rating by other people factored into you rating it lower. I did and I found nothing. Still you openly stated the fact that it was rated too high led you to rank it even lower. Which shows you rank things on a curve based on what others think. Rather juvenile if you ask me. How am I reaching when you literally said that with your own words? No argument of mine has been presented and I will keep it that way against the closed minded. It is apparent you need validation otherwise you wold not be in cahoots with moviechatuser497. Do a little digging through his post history, he is quite the ignorant one. Let me ask this what determines a movie's place in cinematic history? Is it you or is it what the mass majority of people and or critics thought? So you are basically saying that it is impossible to dislike Last Jedi while enjoying TFA if you understand film making? How is it a strawman when I took your quote verbatim? I do not think you know what a strawman argument is. Why come up with an argument against someone who is married to an idea? You never answered that question. You can lead a horse to water you can't make it drink. You and moviechatuser497 are not going to hear anything to the contrary of your opinion on these new Star Wars films. You guys have your mind made up and will hop on any bandwagon that paints these Disney films in a negative light. I personally do not think Last Jedi or TFA is bad. Nope I took your words verbatim. I noticed you can't come against your own quote lol. Not true I trust dteam6 and he is an avid hater of these new films. I did not twist anything I took your words verbatim. Not the point. That shouldn't factor in at all. I do not trust bias people. Feel free to use whatever criteria you like, but know that people will put less stock in you when you show your bias. Show me where I said that was the only reason you ranked it low. You are attempting to change the argument. I said that shouldn't factor in at all. With your quote you showed that influenced your rating a bit. Nice try. Here is my quote. <blockquote>You rank it low partly because of the rating?</blockquote> You should not mark a movie down even partly because of what other people thought. No strawman I took your words verbatim. You got caught, it is time to come clean. Oh but it is quite apparent you do expect others to share your view. I never asked you to respect an argument that is not there. Again you miss the point entirely. You do need to be validated it shows in what you are saying. You commented and said people need to rate TFA lower. You expect an explanation but who says you are entitled to one? No one owes anybody anything. I can and will rate the films whatever it is I please. Oh and the reason I have no interest in sharing my opinions is because it is quite apparent you are closed minded. Why waste time on someone who is married to an idea? Your mind is made up so I will do us both a favor and save us both the time of day. Bottom line do not tell others what they should rate a film. The world does not owe you anything. Either way as it stands TFA is better received than the prequels were. You are in the minority in thinking it is worse. I get being curious to know people's reasons but you are not entitled to it. Critics and users write reviews on films and tell you why they think it works or does not. They do not wait and go hold on let me get through this person first before I put up my thoughts. Nope not how things work. Who says you need to debate your way through people to have an opinion? I never asked you to respect my view. The problem I had is when you said people need to rank TFA lower. You have no right to say what people should rate a film. It shows insecurity and need for validation. Quite Frankly it is pathetic. <blockquote>Maybe this is my bias but one reason I rank TFA so low is because of how overrated it was.</blockquote> This showcases you are marking it down because of what other people thought of it. Your quote not mine chief. You should be judging it completely by it's own merits not by what other people thought. No strawman here I took your quote verbatim. You rank it low partly because of the rating? Interesting shouldn't you rank it based on it's own merits and not by everyone else's thoughts? And I am supposedly the ignorant one? Interesting logic there. No I can respect a person who disagrees with me. Dteam6 is an avid hater of the Disney Star Wars films. Thing is he does not expect everyone to share his view. You feel other people should be ranking it lower because you are insecure in your view. You want to be validated, that is why you want it to be ranked lower. Dteam6 is at least straight up about how he feels and is civilized to those who disagree. Wish I could say the same for you. Oh well life goes on. So in order for someone to have an opinion on the film it needs to go through you first. That is not how it works. When you review a film you are giving your own critique of the film. Why you think it works or does not work. Someone is entitled to think what they want of a film. Whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant. The point is they have a right to think what they want about a film. I have had civilized discussions on here with people I do not agree with. The difference here is you think people need to run through you first in order to consider the film good. So other people need to agree with you in order for their opinion to be valid? No actually not how life works sorry bud. As it stands TFA is better received than any Star Wars film outside the OT. I respect the fact that you disagree but you have no right to comment on what other people should rank a film. The majority disagrees with you get over it. Or drum roll he disagrees with you and thinks it is a good film. How is it a strawman when you literally said it?