fn217phasma's Replies

You do not even know my age lol. I am not the one who condones personal attacks against people for no reason. I am not the one who needs to mature that would be you my friend. Yes he did condone personal attacks. What are you his lawyer? When he said too bad you open yourself up to personal attacks when you become an actor. Um no. Do you have a right to criticize? Yep absolutely. You do not have the right to personally attack someone though. Thing is people want to downplay it simply because they dislike the film. I dislike the prequels but I think what was done to Jake Lloyd was terrible. Even though I personally enjoy the Disney Star Wars films. Well said and completely fair. I can respect your opinion even though I enjoy the films. You at least put your money where your mouth is. If I recall her instagram was deleted wasn't it? Therefore how would I go about finding those posts even I wanted to? Second this conversation was about moviechatuser condoning personal attacks. He said it comes with the territory which is a crock of crap. I do take good advice, it is why I won't be listening to you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_Marie_Tran Right on her wikipedia page it shows harassment. Do not worry the moderators will sort this out. We will see bud. I have you on record saying personal insults and attacks come with the territory. Which means you condone harassment. As I thought you could provide no insult. Which means you made an empty statement. I did not say you personally attacked her. I said I am not dealing with harassment against actors. You condone people attacking her person. I do not and will not ever support that. I do not care if she is rich, she is still a human being. You said it comes with the territory, which means you condone it. So no sorry that is unacceptable. What personal attack or insult did I lob at you? Go ahead and scroll through our conversation and link me to where I insulted you. Having an opinion is fine. You yourself said well personal attacks come with the territory. No bud not how it works. Therefore I reported you. Reported. I am not dealing with harassment of actors. Criticism is one thing no one has a right to attack someone personally. I do not buy this oh it comes with the territory nonsense. Someone can be critiqued without being harassed. She makes millions of dollars but at the end of the day she is still a human being. I get it you did not like her performance, move on. It is just a movie, not a cure for cancer. Finally someone with a brain. I think people believe they determine where a movie places in cinematic history. It has never been that way. Overall the reception to a film is what determines it's place in history. When people dislike a film they can't bare the thought of it being considered a good film by others. So they make up stupid conspiracy theories. I do not need to delude myself that way. There are films that are considered great that I do not like but I am not arrogant enough to think I am the person who will hold it back. Then you will have no issue providing the facts. My question was simple is it fact or opinion? Fact or opinion? According to who? The argument falls flat on it's face with the release of ROS. Why doesn't Disney pay for all their films to get great reception? See that is just it, critical reception does not determine if a film makes money or not. At the end of the day studios care about if the film is profitable. The reception is simply an added bonus. Look at the Jurassic World films. They make great cash therefore they do not care if they are critically panned. I personally think people can not accept a score being given they do not agree with. Since they do not agree they must discredit it. I find it to be rather childish. Why makeup a lame conspiracy theory? Is disagreeing with the score not good enough you have to go there? Exactly. Well said.