Superherocrazed's Replies

Nope I was simply asking if James Bond was a Mary Sue. Or did I need to be specific and say Gary Stu?I simply was asking a question because I find it funny how people gave Rey endless hate yet other characters which are Mary Sues get a pass. I was simply referring to Bond as an example. Perhaps I should have referred to Bell Swan to not ruffle your feathers. This is all you assuming, so no I am not owning up to an accusation that is false. Not a disingenuous question. It was an honest question. So nope. I am going off what you were thinking. You know projecting kind of like how you did to me. Kind of annoying isn't it? Since he answered I was going to move on. He did thank you but in that same paragraph he also said but it was a fair question. So he unlike you is genuine. Do not cherry pick and make it seem as if he wrote me off the way you did. That would be disingenuous and we can't have that now can we? You are judging me based off what others have said. Nice. You did not even hear an argument from me. You heard a question and made an assumption. I have no issue with people disliking Rey. Why did I have no issue with his response then? What is that I wanted since you can read minds. Another baseless assumption. You have fair points. Thanks for elaborating and not being an uptight ignorant closed minded person like arflexit. The topic of discussion is about Mary Sues is it not? I asked a simple question by asking if Bond was a Mary Sue. I then asked why Bond does not get the mountain of hate Rey does. All you could in your closed minded brain hear was sjw alert! Oh my gosh someone might like these films and not agree with my view sound the alarm! It was a question. Ace_Spade elaborated and gave me an answer. That is what a mature person does. I can respect him not you though. You are no better than the people who claim sexist when anyone criticizes Rey. You are just on the opposite end of the spectrum. Nice way to make an assumption though. It gets annoying when people project an experience they have had from other people onto me. Although right back at you. I think it is funny how no one is allowed to think the Disney films are good. If you do you are labeled as an sjw moron who has no taste in cinema. I do not even like the Disney films, I was simply asking a question. You then proceeded to make yourself look foolish good job. People like you I laugh at honestly. You think your view is law and that only you are entitled to determine what makes a film good or not. From that response you have shown you are not objective and have little to no credibility. So tell me should I put stock in your opinion? What is interesting is when he qualifies he does not get the mountain of hate Rey does. Why is that? No I am not saying it is a gender thing. Maybe someone could elaborate on why that is. So is James Bond a Mary Sue? I know I love the double standards. X-men got all this flak for not having style yet Spider-man gets all this flak for having style. I also think it is funny people go oh it is so corny/cheese. Oh really wow you are so observant. I never would have figured that out unless you had pointed it out to me. Why is cheese/corny bad? Are people aware that it was Raimi's intent for it to be that way? Perhaps it is.