MovieChat Forums > Zinger > Replies

Zinger's Replies

Was gonna post the same thing. She hasn't done enough roles to pull this off. She's still at the teenage nerd stage of her career. They shoot boats innit. A sagacious answer which lacks any pusillanimous obfuscation. It's who she is. A mong. Linda Evangelista got pregnant by him for his looks. Hayek married him for his looks. Women are not complicated. Great Success! She's destroying their cult and there's nothing they can do. It sure was a different time. People weren't so keen to pander to the mentally ill. Dave's not here, man. Like all North Americans, she's North American. Take your Yank identity infantilism and fuck off. Plus the tranny thing has started to define this decade. It's been noted. I believe it's called 'The Long 90s.' Bond walks into a room and is attacked by Russian Nazi communists. He swiftly defeats them with Judo chops then goes upstairs. There he finds two sexy ladies in bed kissing and they turn to him and say: oh Mr Bond, won't you join us? Bond says: no thanks ladies, you look like you have AIDS. Bond then skis away. Semi final draw PSG/Barcelona V Atletico/Dortmund Arsenal/Bayern V Madrid/City Some big boys are gonna get knocked out. Atletico and Dortmund will be happy. Kane going to Arsenal. Good draw. That would certainly explain his low IQ. Jeff comes out as gay. The original was a woke fest. Hence the 1960s happened. Hence the shit we have now. But the episode is so realistic. An African planet would be backwards as fuck. Literally came here to say exactly this. Five episodes in and absolutely nothing has happened. I was hoping this was gonna be a whodunnit in the snow but it's just pink haired non-binary girl whining. Do the flashbacks go anywhere? They feel redundant.