MovieChat Forums > Zinger > Replies

Zinger's Replies

But sub zero is less than zero??? She still possessed worthwhile knowledge on the creatures. You've also got to remember that Burke massively underestimated them. He assumed the marines would be able to deal with them. But he wouldn't need to kill her if she didn't go is the OPs point. If we all work together, we can get him out and teach society a lesson about truth. Why not both? Oh, I just came. Hard to believe she's black. Took me by surprise. So is your brain. Every opportunity he received was due to being black. What? Casting Tom Hardy as Frederick Douglass doesn't affect anyone either. And yet... Friends called, they want their joke back. Once she's a single mother. We must raise up lesser cultures and pretend they were always there. You'll learn to like it. Or else. City passed the ball to death and created almost nothing. Hope Bayern win it. Does your mudhut have a poo hole? Can I buy your mudhut? You're welcome. Are you enjoying our civilisation? Swarthoid? YOU ARE A MONTH LATE!!