NYJetsFan's Replies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw8bzC33CGY A Fool There Was (1915) Theda Bara It's too early to tell but Daniel Jones might be an OK quarterback. Not Mahommes, but he might be marginally better than Mitch Trubisky. abba nose pick. Ward Bond upon his death bequeathed a gun to John Wayne that Mr. Morrison has once shot Ward Bond with. I'm just glad the dumb Jets have green helmets now instead of those dumb white ones. Big blue = booger brains Gang green = Slightly less booger brains You're Flemish like a big bunny. Anyways, it has a brief appearance by Gene Bervoets aka Rex Hofman in the coffin. Forgive my American ignorance. I was just marveling at the Germanic language stuff. Movie time!!! De zaak Alzheimer (2003) I've seen it!!! HOO HAH! You actually make a halfway decent point here. I hadn't thought of it like that before. I speak English because... well... I'm American. My mother has an actual college degree in Russian Studies from the University of Missouri, so this is why I sometimes lord my minimal amount of Russian knowledge over other Americans who know nothing, but I am by no means an expert. It's not my degree. But I can somewhat kind of sort of slowly read Cyrillic. you have said sheeple about 55 times now. Only serves to make yourself look like a sheep. You have also conveniently deflected from the initial point. So i will break it down for you in kindergarten terms ONCE AGAIN, because I am such a good person. Non-idiot [quote] I can only imagine that this is due to their overrepresentation in popular media. While gays have been slighted, I would think there are other oppressed minorities who are larger in number and have arguably suffered worse fates.[/quote] Idiot [quote]"Small minority" is a redundant expression. [/quote] Non-idiot [quote]No because it is being used to modify minority, it is a minority, but is in a separate subgroup as it is small relative to the rest of minorities. But yes, the commonly used expression small minority is redundant.[/quote] Idiot [quote]So, according to this rationale, gays are the lowest of the low but you " appreciate the progress made in LGBT rights" ? Wanna talk out of both sides of your mouth some more and maybe run for office some day? [/quote] Non-idiot [quote]He said nothing of the sort. He said SMALLER group, not lower. As in smaller in number, not any less worthy of anything. You are creating a straw man to fit your own narrative. Stop being such a jerk.[/quote] There. Kindergarten terms once again. Stop being such a fuck up. Hate to break it to you buddy but you just replied to the wrong post. That's what happens when you fight a war on multiple fronts. No sense trying to rationalize with the irrational. You are literally too stupid to realize that you have already fucked up. And by literally I mean LITERALLY and not figuratively. You have been speaking out of both sides of your mouth all day. You'd make a good politician. Doesn't change the fact that you lost. Even children laugh at losers.