NYJetsFan's Replies

Also universal DH which will probably become a permanent rule going forward. Every thread including this one right here, is phishing for replies. That's not necessarily a bad thing as the site would die without it, I'm just saying that even you are being an attention seeker. We all are. That's how the site works. [quote]We English speakers put our tongue against our palate.[/quote] I never thought about that before! Now I can't stop making T and D sounds cause I can't get over that slight difference in more or less the same spot. T! D! it had a made for TV happy ending. I should have known since it WAS made for TV. But it took so long to track down the series, I guess I was expecting too much. I hope the next episode "Il tram" is better. No, you have to use your imagination for that one. Not that I know of. Does this clown attempt to prevent poison? Mr. Yuk actually has good intentions. I was talking more about the book, but it's "Live and Let Die" film version (1973) book version in the 50s sometime. after Felix Leiter gets partially eaten by a shark, they send the message "He disagreed with something that ate him". adding milk to the eggs. He tells Solitaire (Jane Seymour in the movie) at a diner that they will probably add milk because they are dumb Americans. They are escaping down the East Coast in the story. Book James Bond makes fun of that as being an American thing. Don't blame me, blame Ian Fleming. I'm gonna have to ask partly because of other people's answers and partly out of genuine concern. Is your leg still black? Did it wash off at all? This is not exactly scientific, but it sounds to me like the ground gave you a giant hickey. HAJI! That actually sounds pretty good. Fried egg is the same as scrambled egg, right? I was told once that an egg is a chicken's period. He had a 51 point game against the Charlotte Hornets as a Wizard. He might have even been better than even YOU give him credit for. Did I just become one of those annoying fans? whoops, my bad... :( Troll probably didn't have any bigger budget. If so, only by minimal amounts. It also had the original Harry Potter character well before the books. It also has Sonny Bono, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, June Lockhart, and a talking penis, er, I mean mushroom. Troll is a great movie that didn't deserve to get saddled with the reputation of it's sequel that isn't even a sequel. At the time, no. It seemed like a bunch of pointless work that I didn't care about. But, now, I would give anything to go back to being that young. I also hate "Troll 2" fans twofold, because 1) Troll 2 is NOT "so bad it's good" it just sucks, and 2) I am a genuine fan of "Troll" (1986) the movie whose name gets unfairly besmirched and forgotten.