JackalopeCash57's Posts

The moment when you actually realize that Susie the most morally upright character on the show. Lol! Why wasn't OJ attorney Robert Blasier included with the rest of the defense team in the People vs OJ Simpson? What ultimately were the fates of Willard, Lance, and Kilgore after the events depicted in the movie? Was Kurtz conducting reconnaissance on the PBR boat before they arrived at his compound? "This movie is Braveheart in space, except the ragtag underdogs are the bad guys." Thoughts regarding the portrayal of Neelix Regardless if you are a fan or not, you gotta admit that his way of reinventing himself in recent years is brilliant The hats that Barry and Bullingdon have on during the duel sequence - anachronism? Did the football coach know that David was Jewish? Why was Richard's wife calling him by his last name? Was it common in the 1700s for people to make bets on if a collapsed person was alive or dead? A feature film depicting the life/experiences of Marty Rathbun from his perspective would be interesting as hell. Was there any deeper significance to the fact that Zed was a guy who worked in security? How many cast members served time in the military in real life? Travis's fighting stance in the campaign office - - was that from a martial art taught to him while in the military? Why didn't Rocky go the pitchman/television supporting actor route? Ronin, The Shawshank Redemption and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan = the three films epitomize friendship. Why didn't David have appreciation for the severance pay package that he was given?