BillyLoomisBaby's Replies

I was 8 too šŸ˜Ž Huh huh huh huh thatā€™s so cool. Huh huh huh. Heehee yeah that was cool. So sad! He had had health problems for years. šŸ˜¢ Yeah I have spent my entire life here in Kansas and there are no mountains! It would have been nice if they did film it here since there are plenty of small towns and rural areas to use for filming. I still love the series though! It was a nice one with a great cast. He knows better yet he still did the photo! šŸ˜” I hope heā€™ll be okay, Iā€™m a fan! Welcome to the cool kids club (90ā€™s ruled šŸ˜) This is a classic in my opinion! I remember first seeing it in 1991 and we got one of the Sega games too! (I think my sister might still have it actually lol). But I always loved the film and I feel itā€™s underrated. šŸ¤£ Iā€™m a huge fan of this franchise! My favorite movie of all time is the first Scream. I watched a good amount of Horror before but it was Scream that made me a huge Horror fan! I watched it in 1997 when I was 12 and then watched Scream 2 at the theater a short while later that year. Some people say it didnā€™t age well but I beg to differ. New Horror doesnā€™t come close to Scream and other slashers like Halloween (1978) and A Nightmare on Elm St (1984). Cool, 90ā€™s kids!šŸ˜ In my school we had the typical cliques. I donā€™t feel like I belonged to any of them. I would sit with the ones considered geeks during lunch cause they accepted me (I was always overweight and shy as well as Alternative). And I got along good with most of the rebel kids (the ones who cut class, smoked in the restroom, etc.). But naturally the popular kids were assholes, the preps (jocks, cheerleaders, honor students). There was a group of kids who were, I guess the B Class. I donā€™t know how else to put them, average? Well we really didnā€™t have a drama group. We had plays and stuff but those kids are what Iā€™m referring to, as well as ones who were in choir. While band kids were mixed in with them, unlike with the geeks as I see in movies/shows. Some of the B Class were nice. I referred to myself as an outsider/loner. For the most part I liked it that way lol. While I never participated because I didnā€™t have my own wheels, the students at my school were still cruising the year I graduated. That was 2003. We called it ā€œDragging Mainā€. We were a very small town. So small I just tell people I grew up in the big city, where I live now. So many people have never heard of it lol. Most locals do know cause of the big lake up there though. Yeah I watched it a couple of weeks ago. It was cool seeing all the ones that showed, and most did. I donā€™t know what was wrong with Cory. Even if he was super high you would think he would be used to it by now and be able to follow along better. I guess he was just really Dazed man. Adam and Parker did a spectacular job! The others were good but those two really got into it.