Mephariel's Replies

Video game battle scenes you mean. Yeah, and only one kid in the universe is an expert on volcanoes. This is a joke right? The movie has a crap story no matter what political spectrum you are in. Much better. But I don't even have to use Oxygen. The Sound of Metal is on Amazon and it is better. I agree with this. The songs are not memorable enough. Maybe because he sucks? That doesn't mean men sucks. It just means he isn't that good? And she is really good? What about Omari Hardwick, who is a man and easily the most masculine character in the film? That is called character building. You have good characters, bad ones, strong ones, weak ones. It is like you never saw a film before. Batista is a all around bad ass. Hardwick is a hard ass that gets things done. Cruz is a capable woman, but has a soft spot. Arnezeder is a hardened survivor. Win (Mexican chick) is a fighter, Schweighöfer is a brillant guy but out of his depth in on the battlefield. It is called creating an interesting diverse group of characters. Like do you even watch movies? Criticized by who? A bunch of dudes online. Most audience in America are blue. New York and California alone contributed to 16% of all box office returns. And you know who cheered for the female avengers unite scene? Indian audience. You can find this on YouTube. I think you need to stop speaking for the rest of the world. Was Annihilation supposed to be a box office hit? It an extremely cerebral sci-fi film. What evidence do you have that it has anything to do with wokeness? Nothing. Annihilation was never going to set the box-office on fire. Ghostbusters, Charlies Angels, Men In Black, and Terminator: Dark Fate are all badly received movies. Again, can you proved wokeness has anything to do with that? Nope. Those are just not good films. The survey shows that people regardless of gender wants to watch action films. Nobody wants to watch BAD action films. Fast and Furious: So as long as Vin Diesel is there, wokeness is ok? Then I guess China doesn't mind wokeness right? It can't bother them that much if they flock to see it because of one star. Same with XXX. There are many Chinese films with female lead stars. Have you heard of Michelle Yeoh? She was a huge star in the 80s. The Grandmaster, a movie where Zhang Ziyi was kicking other male martial artists' ass became a massive hit in Hong Kong and was successful in China. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon also became a hit in the US. Seems like there a clear market for strong female stars everywhere. Star Wars: Your article basically proved my point. They tried to screen that to gain fans. The problem is, Chinese audiences grew up watching Marvel films, not Star Wars. Star Wars is just not that special to them. And your link to Solo is hilarious. First of all, I was talking about the sequel trilogy. Second of all, the least woke Star Wars movie was the first one to lose money? You know, the one with a white male about Han Solo? And yes, CM made over 1 billion. Sorry that bothers you and you tried to twist a narrative with zero evidence or support. Nope. I get the impression that they are very physically capable. But not one of them could take on Batista. I have no problem with the female characters in this movie and I have no problem with them not acting "feminine." It is like you never work with strong women in your life. Women could be on this mission? Why couldn't they? He needed people with expertise that he can trust and those happens to be the people in that situation. I don't think anyone is thinking women are as tough as guys in real life. I think that is just your insecurity. Wrong on so many levels. According to a recent survey by Fandango, the top genres for women were action, science fiction, drama and comedy. The least popular genres were romance, family and animated films, and fantasy. In 2018, there was another survey that showed women like action movies over romantic comedies as well. 45% of males and 38% of females said they saw at least one marvel film. So women may not like action films as much as guys, but plenty of women watch action films. Disney and all the other movie companies cares about money. Do you think they don't? They push multi-culturalism and feminism because action movies are by far the most popular movies in the world and getting everyone to watch is the key to success. The message they are sending is that "Our movies are for you too." And you need to stop acting like "woke" movies haven't found success. Star Wars, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Black Panther, Crazy Rich Asians, Fast and Furious...the entire series, etc. Liberal blue states produced 70% of the GDP per capita. Maybe you can try being a man and work one day in your life. You actually praise Bollywood flicks? LOL. I think you need to stop telling women what they want to see. The females who act like females won't be on this mission anyway. So why would the women here act feminine? Here is a real question: did you watch the film? Because you seemed to care more about "wokeness" than the movie itself. So you only boycott because others do it? LOL. You are like a little sheep. But people are ok with Keanu Reeves as Cage? I don't think Shao Kahn is anywhere near as big as Cage though. I think they need to save up some big hero characters for the sequel. Like Cage, Kitana for example. That is not true. In reality they probably have a 3D printer onboard and can build a new carbon dioxide recycler. Food can be rationed.