LaGrandeVie's Replies

WOW! You sound like a sociopath Mr. Nash. Republicans are such peaceful, non-violent people, aren't they ? DeSantis will be in jail before 2024. Lil' Timmy is still in hiding. He's not telling us which Biden staff member was fired by Tweet. And Mikey - what a dumbot he is. Not only to roost, but to shit all over their chicken coops. Then they blame Dems for 'violence'. LOL [quote]The ex president would say something false, his cultists would post "prove this didn't happen" type of stuff about it on social media and the internet [/quote] And most of those cultists in question are right here on this forum, as we all know. So these usual suspects were helping Rudy spread the lies here on this forum, and they quote them as 'facts' - and now he's admitting it was all fantasy. Saw this coverage on 'Rachel Maddow' the other night - she had great footage of the MAGAMoron. So glad they caught him. Trumptards are degusting, violent people. Excellent news ! Next, we will see Dominion bury Giuliani, Powell, and the other morons in debt as they try to pay up millions of dollars in damages from Dominion's lawsuits. This kid is adorable. So well behaved and so smart. I donated to his GFM earlier this week. "Fifty percent now say they approve of Biden, while 49% disapprove. " - AP NEWS. October, 2021 - Biden has 50% approval, nine months into his Presidency. October, 2017 - Trump had 38% approval, nine months into his Presidency. Trump NEVER hit a 50% approval rating in his entire one-year, twice-impeached term. Never. 'Nuff said. Here's more for you: November 2020 - Chris Krebs, Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency fired by Tweet. November, 2020 - Mark Esper, Defence Secretary fired by Tweet. July, 2020 - Brad Parscale, Campaign Manager, fired by Tweet. March, 2020 - Mick Mulvaney, Acting White House Chief of Staff, fired by Tweet. November, 2019 - Kevin McAleenan, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, fired by Tweet. September, 2019 - John Bolton, National Security Adviser fired by Tweet. January, 2019 - Ryan Zinke, Interior Secretary fired by Tweet. January, 2019 - Jim Mattis, Defence Secretary, fired by Tweet. November, 2018 - Jeff Sessions, Attorney General, fired by Tweet. January, 2018 - Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Director, fired by Tweet. July, 2017 - Anthony Scaramucci, Communications Director, fired by Tweet. January, 2017 - Sally Yates, Acting Attorney General, fired by Tweet. March 28, 2018 - Trump fired VA Secretary David Shulkin by Tweet, taking Shulkin by total surprise. April 2019 - Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was fired by Tweet. March 2018 - Rex Tillerson, Trump's first secretary of state learnt he was fired via one of the president’s tweets. August 2018 - White House counsel Don McGahn was among those surprised to find out he would be leaving his post in the fall after a tweet by Trump. May 2017 - James Comey, now a high profile critic of the president, said he found out he had been fired by Trump by Tweet, which played all over the evening news. Especially Rorikon. He floods this forum 24/7, with cut and paste nonsense. Must be a MAGABot. You responded, so you must give a fuck. Biden has brought the stock market to new records, despite what Trump lied about a year ago. Hope you have a lot invested in your 409k. Trump wants to know how your 409k is doing ? He said a year ago that your portfolio would be completely wiped out by now, without him in Office. But you're telling a different story - are you saying Trump LIED to his sheep of Trumptards ? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Trump warned everyone once Biden took over, the stock market would crash and wipe out your 409k. You'd lose everything. Trumptards believed him. Now everyone's 401k is doing even better than when Trump was in (not sure about your 409k, though) and the Trumptards are ignoring this. The DJ is setting new record highs under Biden. Poor Trumptards. Still doesn't speak well for him to have this many complaints on his record of a twenty-three year career. The complaints were filed with the CPD from numerous citizens and have stayed on his public profile. They show a disturbing pattern of behavior.