LaGrandeVie's Replies

Throughout your article you linked to, it says the couple had 'pre-existing conditions' and 'underlying health conditions' repeatedly. Trumptards have been saying for over a year it's the 'pre-existing conditions' which kill people, not COVID. So why even bother posting this ? You would think that with all the golf Trump played in his four years, he'd be in shape. The guy is more obese today than when he began Office. His ass is the size of Pittsburgh. Try again, this time a little harder. Your behavior demonstrates my point, just fine. Thanks. Point was addressed, you couldn't comprehend. Try again. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Great - now the Trumptards are going to say there is no such thing as lightning. LOL! Instead of addressing it, I ran away ? LOL! As I said, comprehension isn't your strong suit. Second time I need to point this out to you. I addressed it clearly - and gave you an appropriate example to back up your claim you failed to make the first time around. You failed to comprehend this, and I pointed it out the first time. The obvious conclusion is, it's easy to bury you in the bullshit you keep shoveling. My motive is I want to see criminals go to prison if proven guilty, as no one is above the law. This investigation - armed with enough evidence to warrant an investigation - is the first step. So.... Are you pretending that your motivation for defending Trump is that he is innocent of any criminal doing, OR is it because Trump is your lord and savior, and you want to see him be treated above the law, unlike any other American citizen ? Rhetorical question. Your motive for defending this criminal is POLITICAL. Your behavior demonstrates my point, just fine. Thanks. Trump didn't believe in the pandemic. Said it was a liberal hoax. Only in your feeble brain. You're an evil person. No wonder you're a Trump follower. And there's more ! LOL ! Former President Donald Trump summoned his wife to the Oval Office and berated her after she wore a jacket emblazoned with the words “I really don’t care, do you?” during a trip to a migrant housing facility in McAllen, Texas, according to a new book. Stephanie Grisham, once the first lady’s top White House aide, writes that she did not notice the message on Ms Trump’s jacket as they headed to Texas for the ill-fated June 2018 trip that elicited an explosion of media coverage and online speculation over what statement Ms Trump was trying to make. At the time, the Trump administration was facing severe criticism over its policy of separating migrant children from family members after their detention at the border. The first lady visited a site in McAllen in the hopes of softening the White House’s image on the issue, which eventually led to the Trump administration abandoning the program. But after returning, she adds, Ms Trump was summoned to the West Wing by her husband who yelled at her over the incident and resulting media coverage. “He yelled and asked “what the fuck" they thought they were doing,” writes The Washington Post, which obtained an advance copy of the book. At the same time, he came up with the idea of making the jacket a message to the news media, which he often complained were treating him unfairly; Ms Trump would go on to echo that claim in an October interview with ABC’s Tom Llamas. “It's obvious I didn't wear the jacket for the children. I wore the jacket to go on the plane and off the plane. And it was for the people and for the left-wing media who are criticising me,” she claimed at the time. No, that's NDA. Stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement. Trump thought it was 'enforceable' with former White House employees, and started throwing lawsuits around as though it were confetti. Now he has to sweep all those lawsuits away, because it's been ruled his feeble mind was playing tricks on him - not enforceable at all. Thoughts and prayers for Trump. Trump's official statement today about Grisham's book: [b]“Stephanie didn’t have what it takes and that was obvious from the beginning. She became very angry and bitter after her break up and as time went on she was seldom relied upon, or even thought about. She had big problems and we felt that she should work out those problems for herself. Now, like everyone else, she gets paid by a radical left-leaning publisher to say bad and untrue things. Too bad that sleaze bag publishers continue to report this very boring garbage. We and the MAGA movement are totally used to it. And someday in the not too distant future we will have our voice back and be treated fairly by the press.”[/b] WOW! For someone who 'didn't have what it takes that was obvious from the beginning', she sure moved up into prestigious positions since 2015. I mean, if she didn't have what it takes since 2015 (the beginning, where it was 'obvious' to Trump), how the f*ck did she make it to being his Press Secretary from 2019-2020, and then to Melania's chief of staff from 2020-21 ? I thought he only hired 'the best' ? I've called this troll out for using QAnon has his source material, and he got his panties in a twist! How dare I cite his secret sources ! His go to for this 'medical' article was BitChute, known for spreading lies and QAnon theories. QAnon is all you can give, so that's all I have from you. That's how it works. Comprehension isn't your strong suit. I started the post with "I think I know what you're saying about prosecutions being political, and thus political prisoners." That's hardly an 'admission' to the QAnon theory you're trying to push. I gave you the corrected example of what you were trying to say. Please, continue... Rant ? Triggered ? Do you know the meanings of the words rant and triggered ? Obviously not. Coincidence ? No way - it's truth. Truth - we don't like bullshit QAnon conspiracy theories and we call them out and those who post this BS - mainly you - on this forum. Why does this trigger you so much ? Why do you deny where you're getting your info from ? You link to BitChute, which is one of the biggest platforms which shares QAnon BS - and you share it here.