LaGrandeVie's Replies

He's suffered some major head trauma while wrestling in the WWE ? Is that what you're telling us ? You mean it's just lucky coincidence that you've come up with all this bullshit QAnon conspiracy theories to share on this forum all by your widdle self ? Really ? It's just coincidence, eh ? I think I know what you're saying about prosecutions being political, and thus political prisoners. You mean this... Thanks for reminding us and 'the tourists'... Damn! QAnon really attracted the most gullible people in America. Kudos to them. Good people like this restaurant owner deserve good luck. So QAnon believes when someone commits a criminal act such as tax fraud, and the State AG goes after them for it, it's a politically motivated prosecution which is ending our democratic system ? Thanks for this QAnon update. [quote]You are the one trying to imprison people for political reasons.[/quote] And you have credible sources to back this up, correct ? You're not just pulling this out of your ass to make way for the UV flashlight, right ? I bet you got your truth from BitChute ! I guess you think everyone here should be lucky that you infiltrated this forum with your bullsh!t QAnon posts since Parler closed down ? You can't post on mainstream media forums, so you came here ? LOL ! Here you go, spunky. From Wiki: "BitChute is a video hosting service launched by Ray Vahey in January 2017. [b]It is known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hate speech.[/b] Some creators who use BitChute have been banned from YouTube; some others crosspost content to both platforms or post more extreme content only to BitChute." Don't worry - that Reagnomics will be trickling down very soon. It's been 40 years of slow trickling. You really need to keep away from these QAnon sites. They're no good for you. You a got a burger and a side of fries for $18 at 5 Guys. Republicans said a burger alone (no side of fries) would cost $20. If you went to Dick's Drive-In, it would have cost you about a quarter of what you spent at 5 Guys. So again - what's your point ? Of course - there is a whole cult out there who see things through the eyes of QAnon. Scary, eh ? I mean how bad can he be if he's telling you to inject yourself with Clorox and Lysol, and shove a UV flashlight up your ass ? Sounds like a nice, caring guy to me. [quote]I don't remember this....have any sources to corroborate this claim? [/quote] Google it. Google is your friend. WHAT ???????? Trump charged with multiple crimes ???? Interfering with the vote count in Georgia ???? Nonsense! QAnonners have assured us he is on the straight and narrow and would never do such a thing. Ever. He's as honest as they come - four years of a corruption-free Presidency. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha! OK, then, trust Trump. Do as he instructs his following to do: Inject yourself with bleach and Lysol, take your Ivermectim, and shine a UV flashlight up your ass. He would never lie to you - all that will protect you from Covid. Believe my own lies ? LOL! I'm just reiterating your QAnon thought pattern, based on conspiracy theories: a state attorney general, doing her job to investigate and convict a criminal, will cause a civil war. . Are you trying to make a point about something ?