LaGrandeVie's Replies

SO rather anticipate he will sell enough to cover his expenses, you anticipate he will fail. That's horrible. In a case with fast food, it's quantity which counts. If they didn't think they have the quantity of sales already in their long history, I'm sure they have a grasp on profits and costs, and they knew beforehand whether they could afford to give this pay raise before doing so. She has Donald sh!ttting in his XXXXL shorts. My exact quote is: Why do Trumpers and Republicans anticipate for a thriving business to fail ? I never used the word 'hope' - I used 'anticipate'. YOU had the Freudian slip and said "hope", which I knew all along was your true motivation. SO now that you let that out in the open, the question is "Why do Trumpers and Republicans HOPE for a thriving business to fail ?" Trust the liberals when we tell you - we want to see you secede peacefully. Pack up your bags, weapons, confederate flags, Ivermectin, Clorox, Lysol, UV flashlights, and MyPillow bedding and head to Mar A Largo, your new capitol building in the new country of Floritex. You can have Florida - Texas, and live happily ever after while you all eat your own. So if a US citizen commits' tax fraud, or any other serious crime against the country, and the state AG takes action and investigates and prosecutes that citizen, it's considered 'abuse of power' by the SAG and a motivated witch hunt if the two belong to opposing political parties ? And the action by the SAG - to prosecute a criminal - will ignite a civil war ? Is that what you're saying ? Because the members of the political party to which the criminal belongs to will 'fight back' against the actions of the SAG ? That's what will happen, according to you ? Coming from Trumpers who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021 to overthrow democracy and hang the VP, I guess this does make sense to you and your ilk. Thanks for more of this QAnon insight. Let me get this're saying we get a civil war for a state attorney general investigating tax fraud by a corporation armed to her teeth with more than enough evidence to start the investigation ? Really ? That's how civil wars start ? By properly enforcing law and order and stating NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW? First time I had steak that way was at Mar A Largo. Trump said it was his favorite. Do you think he will lose Mar A Largo when he financially collapses ? The linked article is from The Blaze. Don't need to know more than that. That's all I needed to know to stop me from clicking on it. That's a representation of the empathetic Trumper. They don't care about the Americans trying to make ends meet. Trump promised him the stock market would crash and wipe out his 401(k) as soon as Biden took over. It's nine months into the Biden Presidency, and the DJIA is doing better than ever. Trump never lies to him. Ever. Never ever. [quote]and he counted on his supporters (*cough*gd5150*cough*) being stupid enough to believe he was the one causing it.[/quote] LOL! And they (*cough*gd5150*cough*) didn't disappoint him! They (*cough*gd5150*cough*) believed him. There was a time in America when someone could work a 40 hour week job, and it would be enough to pay a mortgage and raise a family. There was a time in America when the minimum wage would keep up with inflation. Then Reagan was elected, and introduced 'Reaganomics' where the wealthy got wealthier, the middle class was eliminated, and the poor got poorer. And that's where we've been for forty years. Why do Trumpers and Republicans anticipate for a thriving business to fail ? These Trumptard Cyber Ningas running the audit couldn't even find this in Trump's favor ? Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Now Texas Cyber Ninjas - Texas! A state Trump won! - wants to do an audit ? To show he lost ? Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Wrong again, Q! And how low is unemployment rates? Trump had them in the double digits all last year. "How's your 409K doing ?" "Horse face" ? There's no mention of Kellyanne Conway at all! Why did you lie like that ? That's a third lower than the 99% of people who thought Trump was mental. So that's a good thing. Vaccinations before starting school don't seem to count for the QAnon groupies. And the world can rest easy now, because so much was riding on that Arizona audit. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!