JoeyReview's Replies

Looking fwd 2 it That means it’s gonna be epic I need to see sharkie I just wanna see April naked The first one where they had ppl in turtle suits was epic But you luv the puking? This was somewat closer to the comix from Mirage. Certainly, beginning looked promising but the eyeballs make them look goofy. Also, they never wore varied colored masks. At least make April hotter Pretty sure she’s white. I got full colored graphic novel of first few issues of comix Comix April hotter So the best scene in movie when Opp consulted with Einstein on some calculations never happened as Nolan admitted. Total fail Strangely, he was not Nolan’s 1st choice for the role. Apparently, Tracy Morgan turned down the role before Murphy was cast Iron Man sez Nah Also Bay’s Pearl Harbor I was shocked to see hot women in audience for this film. I feel they went to wrong theater I concur. I heard Blunt was supposed to play mistress but she didn’t want to do nude scenes I concur. When he delivers his lines it’s like he’s telling everyone Hey, I’m acting here! Sooo overrated It’s better than Barbie but let’s not kid ourselves because this was not even half deep or half intellectually simulating. I’ve see indie films way more profound than this and face palm at the final dialogue because it was so AI generic You’re partly correct. Yes, very overly long and drawn out. But, nuclear weapons mark a turning pt in history of man and still affects us today ie Putin’s nuclear threats. The scientists under trial here is untimely ie Fauci questioned in Congress for his advice during pandemic Only the atomic bomb because it was sooo gay Nope. Nolan needs to stop hiring Hans Zimmer and someone shud tell Zimmer that loud does not equal great score