JoeyReview's Replies

Totally concur with OP. Guy above sez more like Deadpool but that movie breaks the 4th wall and this one never does. I thought it needed more boobies Why not rated R so we can see Cat woman naked? DeVito penguin still best It felt unrealistic because if I was Batman I’d quit crime fighting and leave with Kravitz Cat woman. She’s so hooot. Yeh, it was bad but cat woman was very dreamy. Very beautiful woman. They shud just do a poster of cat woman’s hot bod I haven't watch all the contenders so not sure which will win but I know that I want CODA to win even though it would be a long shot since it's a bit too ordinary. I know you may not be serious but this is actually a good point because we get outraged at actors doing black or brown face but them acting gay is considered fine? Why is that? I think it's all fair game in the land of make-believe and ppl need to take a chill pill on what is politically correct. It started out great. Amazing cinematography and acting. But when they revealed Phil is gay, I did a total face-palm because it feels so done and cliched. I don't want to watch Brokeback Mountain again. Obviously, it's based on a book so nothing can be done too differently but feels like a waste and potentially a much better than it is now. He looks a bit like DDL from far away. Good actor. Gay cowboy Yeh, not sure why I was about to say. It looks and acts very Oscar-worthy but not much of a story here. No way. No more gay westerns. I concur, best for me this yr. Already nominated for GG. Better If you Google it you'll find she's a natural blonde Ah ok, I think I missed that because I woke up during the credits roll. Can we get a really hot Gwen? I mean Stone was ok but not hot enough.