Magicdave's Replies

It's simple ... beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You may not think she is attractive, but then again, I'd venture to say that there are some people who would look at you and not be impressed. Same goes for me, and everyone else in the world. You don't like her? fine. I am sure she will not lose any sleep over that. I am sure she is heartbroken that some poster on Moviechat doesn't want her. Because, as you hopefully will learn when you reach adulthood, there is more to beauty than big b00bs. Yes. They were making great strides to show that we could ALL get along. And then along comes scumbags with divisive agendas and targeting young, impressionable people who are easily swayed into violence and "racial issues" blown all out of proportion. Lol! Well, he deserved it! You like that? Over the years, my feelings towards certain episodes has changed. Though I enjoy the majority of TZ's episodes, when I was a young kid, I loved all the spooky episodes like "It's A Good Life" and "The Howling Man". But as I have aged, I like the heartwarming episodes more. I still like a good creep out or scare now and again, but the ones that tough my heart do more for me. "The Hunt", Kick the Can", "100 Yards Over the Rim" to name a few and my all-time favorite "Night of the Meek" I agree. Let's have Brainiac or even Mister Mxyzptlk! From one veteran to another, "Thank You For Your Service" True ... However, I thought that the film makers should have stopped before they gave us the abominations that were "Jaws 3" and "Jaws the Revenge". (I felt so sorry for Lorraine Gary being roped into that film, as well as Sir Michael Caine. Never thought of that. "independence Day" goes without saying. Of course, I am a lot older than most posters on here, so my film experience goes back further. Not bragging. Just stating a fact. Seagal72 - Some people just don't get that. Golfaddict is probably a kid. I am also 72 years old, youngster. In all his years as an actor, James Cagney was stereotyped as a gangster, due to his several portrayals as underworld characters. But, he was also a song and dance man, as evidenced by "Yankee Doodle Dandy", for which he won the Best Actor Oscar. It doesn't bother me that some mule headed poster decides that just because he hates musicals or thinks that people who like them are "so f**king gay", that he should attack someone for their likes and dislikes. In this age of supposed "inclusiveness", it amuses me that the very people who cry out against other people about disrespecting others, are the first to do so. Henry was fine. But, I think Tyler Hoechlin is doing a good job. It's life. With all its warts and problems. When a sitcom ventures into real life, it's not for everyone, but, as I have experienced in my life, things like this does happen. I tend to think that this show, as others of the highest caliber, are not afraid to delve into "real life". It's what makes good sitcoms so good. Because of what I read in an interview, I think that Raimi was inspired by the Three Stooges. He could have jokingly called it "Army of The Undead Three Stooges" Of course you realize that this movie is a send up to The Three Stooges? I am 72 years old as of this writing, and nowhere in all those years did the term "woke" rear its ugly head, until 5 years ago! Yes, most everyone back then would tell you that something like rape really wasn't condoned, but we had other words for what we term as "woke" nowadays. The best word I heard was "sympathetic" to someone's plight, as we all had things that bothered us. For those of you who think that because of the mistakes made in these movies, the popularity of this trilogy dropped, I present for your edification: Does Michael hate her for the passionate scenes she did with Antonio Banderas in the Zorro movies? I doubt it. Not unless Michael is a vain, low self-respecting idiot. And I don't think that he is. They are actors playing a part.