Magicdave's Replies

That looks like a picture that was snapped by an a$$hole paparazzi when the lighting was less than flattering. I agree. SOME people are idiots. I seldom read tabloid trash papers' accounts of celebrities' "skeletons in the closet". Remember what Christ said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!" We ALL have skeletons in our closets! Mistakes we made in the past that we wish we could erase. Something said in the heat of anger that we wish we could take back. Since most tabloids look for sensationalism to sell their stuff, I tend not to care what they say. I find it especially egregious when they try to scare us into a certain direction, as it seems most of the media does now. I cannot even watch the national weather without the weather person seeming to spell out gloom and doom about a regular thunderstorm. There was no such thing as "woke" back then. Why do people constantly try to push 2024 values on old movies? What's next? Blaming the shark for being a predator in "Jaws"? If we successfully rid ourselves of every inference of violence and horror to make this world a more pleasant place (and that is a tall order that will NEVER happen), then the old adage is true - "If we don't learn from the mistakes of the past, we are doomed to repeat them". Very true I must have missed him. Who did he play? The only time I have seen Elon Musk in a movie was his cameo in "Iron Man 2". Thanks for this in-depth dive into "Miles Jonn-Dalton". I thought there was something "off" about this guy. Nope. Why mess with perfection? They tried it a few years ago with a shot-by-shot remake of "Psycho". Why? You cannot improve on the original. That would be like trying to remake "The Lord Of The Rings"! Anyone who tries that has more ego than brains Interesting that you refer to women as "vagina leads". That phrase says more about you than the film you are denigrating. I was answering the OP. "Does horrible shit like this get made?" Yes, there is an audience for this sh!t. As there is an audience for porn and soft-core porn. This film falls into that category, as does most porn. "outside of our cesspool of a world?" Boy, you really should get out more and stop listening to conspiracy theories all the time. As to how Peter Graves could know that about the universe. The answer is simple. It's a line in a mediocre script written back when man's ego assumed we were the best beings in the universe. We aren't. Porn always has an audience. Even softcore porn I agree that Reeve was the best Superman, but Tyler Hoechlin is right up there... Maybe in a porno parody. To me, the beekeeper is just another form of "John Wick" I agree. I agree with a lot of what you said. Though it would probably not work today, my favorite sitcom was, is and always will be "The Dick Van Dyke Sow" And by the end of Seinfeld, my wife and I realized how mean spirited the show was. What is it about a show that starts out great, and when the writers start running out of ideas, they just make the cast always angry and yelling almost all the time. She did a great job. She reminded me a bit of Kirsten Dunst's performance in "Interview With A Vampire".