Magicdave's Replies

To me, the beekeeper is just another form of "John Wick" I agree. I agree with a lot of what you said. Though it would probably not work today, my favorite sitcom was, is and always will be "The Dick Van Dyke Sow" And by the end of Seinfeld, my wife and I realized how mean spirited the show was. What is it about a show that starts out great, and when the writers start running out of ideas, they just make the cast always angry and yelling almost all the time. She did a great job. She reminded me a bit of Kirsten Dunst's performance in "Interview With A Vampire". "It's like this is all Hollywood knows how to make now are comic book movies.. So question??". It seems so, however according to this site: "", there were 1122 films released internationally. So, "superhero" movies take up a very small percentage of movie production. If you concentrate on the global market, you will probably find some films that suit your taste better than superhero films. I realize that my answer to an 11-year-old post might be anticlimactic, but I guess by now you have procured the film in the new format. When I was young (I am 72 as I write this) we would get home from school and go outside to play until the streetlights came on. We would play cowboys and Indians, but as we got older, there were softball games, basketball games, and my personal favorite - playing Frisbee for hours! The only time we were inside after school was when 4 o'clock came around and us horror fans were watching "Dark Shadows" I also agree that the film was a wacky Oscar winner. But I will say something that I feel has been a long time coming. Michelle Yeoh finally winning an Oscar. I have followed her career through "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" to the James Bond film "Tomorrow Never Dies" and beyond. And it was nice that Jamie Lee Curtis finally won an Oscar also. It's a long road from the original "Halloween', through "True Lies" to this moment, and she also deserved it! The television series was NOTHING like the comic or the movie. Do yourself a favor and rent the film and buy the comic. True, but with Dr. Manhattan's ability to read future events, he would know what they were trying to accomplish before they did it. Nope ... If they cannot get Chris Hemsworth (And I doubt it, considering the similarities between Thor and He-Man) the I vote for Alan Ritchson! LOL! Woke crap again. No, I meant Conor as in Conor Macgregor in the video link you posted. I am afraid I added 1 too many "n"s to his name. My mistake. That could be very true. But others on this board are not realizing that he could very well have a physical problem that he has learned to adjust to over the years. I agree. It is a learned skill - if being a corporate worker is your thing. But, the average Joe doesn't concern himself with that sort of thing (A group of which I am a member). I wonder how Connor's walk would go over in a corporate environment? They are still getting paid more than slave are. Yes, I did, and, yes, I get that your post was supposed to be a joke. I was just questioning how one perceives is the "correct" walk for a real man to do? Another one of those ideas drummed into a boy's head when he is young how certain things that "real Men" do. It's an outdated idea. If it gets you from "point A to point B". That's all that matters. Besides, I think that Macgregor's walk is for the ring. Considering that he is one of the most powerful fighters in the MMA, I can understand him walking like that to psych out his opponent. Yes. Abusers are deluded. It's their way or no way. "I study marshal arts"? Really? It's "martial arts". The I take it you study how to be a marshal (or sheriff)? I cannot believe someone who claims to be a martial artist who cannot even spell it correctly!