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Harlyville (24)


Reviewers Try To Rewrite Ending Joel Wachs Vignette Was Weak Random Thoughts and Observations What is the Meaning of the Phone Scene Let's Get Real About What Happens After the End View all posts >


I think there is a real mental divide in people’s minds about what is acceptable behavior for a 15 year old vs a 16 year old. If he started the movie out at 16, then was 17 when they had their kiss, I think people would have been less put off. 16 is a more common age for sexual activity, and is closely associated with being an adult (legal to drive, is age of consent in some states). 15 is still seen as being a kid. BUT, PTA needed Gary to be under 16 so that Alana would be have to drive him around on all his adventures. Otherwise, he would just drive himself and his posse. She would not have a purpose and miss out on all those vignettes. At no point is Jerry (Higgins) speaking actual Japanese to either wife. He only uses the exaggerated pidgin-English, mimicking the stereotype of how a Japanese might struggle with English. That is what upsets the critics with PTA and this movie. On Reddit, someone posted a translation of what the wives say. Jerry seems to understand them as his subsequent statements address his wives comments. He is also very good about listening to his wives and supporting their positions, and the wives seem satisfied with his actions in their meetings. If PTA had just had one Japanese restaurant scene with just one wife and did not talk in that mocking voice, it probably would have been fine. I think PTA wanted to show that Gary really did run the PR company he talked about to Alana, and his mom really did work for him. LP is a movie that definitely requires multiple viewings to fully appreciate it. I had a similar experience with Once Upon… Hollywood. First time I was confused and underwhelmed. But rewatched a few months later and started at really get into it. With LP, I rented it and rewatched it almost immediately. I then waited until the 4k streaming version was in my price range and pulled the trigger. I like her warts-and-all look in LP. Makes her seem real and relatable. Movie star looks are a dime a dozen. I WILL say that I do not like the cartoon poster portrayal of her. It looks more like she does in real life, with wavy hair and rosy cheeks. In the movie her hair is straight with a somewhat pockmarked complexion. The poster with her wearing the “You’ve a long way baby” shirt is reflective of how she looks in the movie. One of the frequent criticisms PTA gets about LP is that it is insufficiently condemning of the relationship given the age gap between the characters and how giving them a happy ending is an endorsement of their morally-questionable relationship. Clearly Gary is not bothered in the least and is indifferent to consent laws. He never addresses the issue. He’s annoyed they are not making out and feels entitled to see her boobs before the rest of the world does. Alana addresses it a couple of times, at the beginning with her “I can be your friend but not your girlfriend , that’s illegal” as well as encouraging him to look at the boobs of girls his own age. She also references her age as a reason she and Gary are not together to Jon Peters. But overall there is no other characters questioning their being together. Gary’s friends and brother, Alana’s sisters, Jon Peters, all express acceptance and encouragement that they seek each other out romantically. So those critics are correct in that movie does not condemn their romance. But if no one is expressing disapproval of their relationship in the movie, maybe it is because none is warranted. It is right after Alana falls off Jack Holden's motorcycle(Holden doesn't even notice) and Gary "runs to her rescue." HIS face is handsome; HER face says "I want you right now." - - I would add that the look on Alana’s face and the way she responds with “Hi” to Gary after their kiss at the end, more than indicates she is all in with Gary and will literally go wherever he takes her. I suspect that one reason for Alana’s recurring rages towards Gary is that she feels the constant anger of being so drawn to a person that she cannot openly have a relationship with. She is probably annoyed that he is still in high school. If he were just a few years older, it was be so much easier for her. They’ll be doing something for sure. Both boobs and handjobs were prominent in the movie, so maybe there was some foreshadowing going on. I don’t get a sense that Brian’s “homework” line was a reference to some previous tryst between them while studying. I think it was more that his watching her solving problems and getting things done (homework) indicated to him that she would be a boon to the campaign he was helping run. I DO get that he digs her (and probably always has) and sees her volunteering as an opportunity to make a romantic move. But she seems much more focused on her growing role in the campaign and her attraction to Joel. She ditches Brian almost mid-kiss to run to what she things is a mini-date with Joel. And when that goes awry and she seeks Gary out, that is it for Brian and the campaign. I don’t get a sense that Brian’s “homework” line was a reference to some previous tryst between them while studying. I think it was more that his watching her solving problems and getting things done (homework) indicated to him that she would be a boon to the campaign he was helping run. I DO get that he digs her (and probably always has) and sees her volunteering as an opportunity to make a romantic move. But she seems much more focused on her growing role in the campaign and her attraction to Joel. She ditches Brian almost mid-kiss to run to what she things is a mini-date with Joel. And when that goes awry and she seeks Gary out, that is it for Brian and the campaign. View all replies >