MoviesStillSuck's Replies

Let’s not forget that if Hope Hicks eats a melty Snickers bar, her intestines will convert it into a mass of solid stink just like the rest of us. I agree with absolutely everything you’ve said, which is quite unusual for this site. Four. I don’t have thoughts. I’m quite stupid, really. Yes, eighteen people thought that. I love the slide whistle sound effect when he loses his footing and falls down the waterfall. It’s far better than the movie, which is quite thin when rewatching it with adult eyes. This is all explained in the Lorenzo’s Oil prequel. Grant is his hero, so it makes sense that he would try to copy his style. Personally, I always dressed like the giant pile of triceratops shit. Good ole’ Kowalski. You pretty much hit the nail on its blue head. Pics or it didn’t happen. Why would anyone want to watch a childish show like “Fallout” when “Lorenzo’s Oil” (featuring Susan Sarandon’s bodacious knockers) is now available in 4K? Well put. I don’t remember reading that the Palestinians lifted a finger to overthrow Hamas over the past seventeen years, and according to current surveys, over 80% of Gaza’s population still supports Hamas leadership. So yeah…there’s a very good reason to just lump the two together into one big deplorable basket. His support of Israel just makes me want to watch this movie even more. The best way to get myself and the vast majority of non-college-age Americans to NOT watch a movie is to blurt out that you’re in favor of Palestine/Hamas. Do what I did and ask your mom if she’s famous. Whiny bitches with huge oil-soaked knockers are my ultimate turn-on, so personally I’m quite pleased to hear that she’s complaining about all the recent attention. Very true. Imagine what a travesty it would have been if her parents had allowed the use of hormone blockers during puberty. They would have been depriving the world of the Einstein of tits. Does Ana need a comfort penis to help her through these tough times?