MovieChat Forums > MexicanStandup

MexicanStandup (38)


I miss having a liberal like Trump for president. (p.s. Am i the only gay poster here) Whatever happens or doesn't happen at the debate You lefties talk about Jan 6 so much... did you name your children "Insurrection" or something like that? These campus protests are insane aren't they? How many of the 50-60 million Biden voters do you think are hardcore fans? "Leftists", what do you want Trump supporters to do if he's jailed, do you want them to give up? Lefties have "rich white guy privilege" where some people can say things and others can't How come pro-HAMAS students are taking over colleges.. but Almost "identical" episodes in the same season (Season 10) View all posts >


Harlem, how's that reaching for anything other than your games console and your dick working out That's typical cowardice of Trump, if he avoids going into a "debate" hosted by media weirdos who spend every last second of their lives trying to make him look bad! Typical coward behaviour! Yes, of course. [quote]"No Golf On A Dead Planet"[/quote] Sounds like an episode of the lame-ass show Futurama I can't wait to hear him say something like "Would you come on man" or "Shut up man" He's the Oscar Wilde of our times [quote]Oh, but we do... and you should.[/quote] Ooh, spooky! I'm scared! [quote]I do think it's interesting that conservatives complained [/quote] But no-one else did. No-one finds anything you say interesting. Because your life under President Alzheimer is the exact same as it was under Trump - talking on the internet about conservatives. God it just must suck to be someone like you, ugh christ... You never answered my question Nobody cares. Please stop talking. He's stopped replying... he just wants to be alone with pictures of a 50-year-old man's penis (Like all manly men) View all replies >