MexicanStandup's Replies

[quote]Basically the low hanging fruit in terms of the Activists and they are encouraged to create as much chaos and hatred as possible by constant gaslighting and insults targeted at the very people they want acceptance from. Basically the result is the entire gay demographic in society is manipulated into the snake eating its own tail.[/quote] Oh yeah, thanks... that totally made sense! Harlem, how's that reaching for anything other than your games console and your dick working out That's typical cowardice of Trump, if he avoids going into a "debate" hosted by media weirdos who spend every last second of their lives trying to make him look bad! Typical coward behaviour! Yes, of course. [quote]"No Golf On A Dead Planet"[/quote] Sounds like an episode of the lame-ass show Futurama I can't wait to hear him say something like "Would you come on man" or "Shut up man" He's the Oscar Wilde of our times [quote]Oh, but we do... and you should.[/quote] Ooh, spooky! I'm scared! [quote]I do think it's interesting that conservatives complained [/quote] But no-one else did. No-one finds anything you say interesting. Because your life under President Alzheimer is the exact same as it was under Trump - talking on the internet about conservatives. God it just must suck to be someone like you, ugh christ... You never answered my question Nobody cares. Please stop talking. He's stopped replying... he just wants to be alone with pictures of a 50-year-old man's penis (Like all manly men) I knew it would be this one. Hey, lefties aren't kidding themselves any more that it's "for our own good" anyway. And it causes me to accurately describe your absurd life? Where's "Biden's magical America"? You spend all your time under Biden sitting indoors talking about conservatives and uh... complaining that they didn't make some kind of remark you were expecting? Getting rid of Trump was supposed to make everything better, why aren't ya out frolicking in the streets with trannies and Muslims enjoying the multicultural paradise? Didn't lefties like you used to think you were heroes who were saving the precious Muuuslims and Mexicans from "evil Republicans" Now you say a crackhead is "badass" on the internet? And talk about his genitals One hell of a weird journey that isn't it, is this what you hoped your life would be when you left school? So you want us to uh.... do what? Panic? Run round the room screaming so it'll make you feel important? Wait wait, wasn't he supposed to be"over" after getting beaten by 7 million votes? The fact you said this now, says you dont really believe he lost. LOL No it's cause you find Trump to be far more interesting than things leftists pretend are important (such as trannies and ISISlam). What's your favourite Koran verse, Trumpclinger? Why are you writing personal letters to a "deposed fascist" instead of getting on with the rest of your life? Dork? "You cant really be surprised" Now you're dictating what emotions we're allowed. Ya sad freak o' nature