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Far-Right rising around the world...

These are just the few for now, might be more as elections around the world take place in the near future. On the up and up, Orban of Hungary is having his worst in 20 years and Finland regains the left vote after failed right surge.

Left Wins:
Finland (Left Alliance)
Slovakia (Progressive Slovakia)
Poland (Civic Coalition) [followed very close by populist Law and Justice]
UK (Labour Party) [far-right Reform surge]

Right Wins:
France (National Rally)
Belgium (New Flemish Alliance)
Germany (Christian Democratic Union + Christian Social Union; part of the EPP group) [far-right Alternative for Germany surge]
Italy (Brothers of Italy)
Austia (Freedom Party of Austria)
Hungary (Fidesz) [coalition Respect and Freedom Party surge]

PS: Winning doesn't necessarily mean winning the election, can just mean popularity boom on the opposing team which could also emphasize losing majority control.

PPS: This will hamper climate initiatives and possibly Ukraine aid in the future.


You never answered my question


What people call the "far right" today was a completely centrist or perhaps slightly conservative point of view. It was reason.
Things like sane migration politics, protecting borders, to not negotiate with terrorists (BLM, LGBTQ, FFF, LG, ...) were normal.

Then the world went mad, everything shifted to the left and now, everyone who doesn't like rainbows is a Nazi.

It's about time people wake up and dare to vote accordingly despite the leftists utmost attempts to slander and lie about the right wing parties of Europe.

2 group-rapes per DAY in Germany.
25 knife attacks per DAY in Germany.
Over 50% of social welfare recipients are foreigners who never paid into our social system, they just suck it dry.

People can't afford their life style from 5 years ago anymore due to insanely self-destructive eco-politics.
Germany is the only developed country that willingly shut down the main pillars of its energy production so the radical green idiots can feel good about themselves. Meanwhile, our energy costs - who were the highest before already - have doubled and tripled because now we import nuclear power from France, or fucking LNG from overseas costing us BILLIONS compared to the chap LNG deals we had with "evil Russia" and the most funny thing is, we buy it from other evil countries, like Qatar, who we openly criticized for years for their human rights issues - until we suddenly needed their stuff, now e shut up about it and just whine about Russia. It's so incredibly stupid, you can't make it up! More and more companies leave the country because producing here becomes too expensive due to the eco-terror committed by our own government.

So yeah, wow, people are suddenly voting parties who call all the above shit out and offer to stop this and change things to the better - who could have foreseen this!

Welp, must be Nazis!


Very well said. All excellent points.
That's why I say we should all lean in to being Nazis. That's what they say we are anyway, so lets give it to them. Don't shy away from the label, it only gives them power, lean into it and Seig Heil! o/


The AFD "leaning into" being Nazis publicly would get their party banned and their entire leadership likely arrested.


Shut up bitch! No one is talking to you.


I'll do whatever the fuck I like.


You's ain't nuthin' but a whole bitch!


The two of you discussing various political topics could make for an entertaining podcast.


That is pretty much the only reason I still talk to that cunt. I do it for the benefit and entertainment of the other members here. Hopefully you all find some humor in it. But it gets really exhausting real quick. I can only bear so much.


Well thanks. I've had quite a few laughs reading through your exchanges.


Which ones do you like?
Usually a comedian works on stage, in front of people, so you get immediate feedback and you can hone your material. But here I'm kind of flying blind. I know what I find funny but I don't know what works in terms of the audience.


Not anything specific, but you two have basically been the uncensored Siskel and Ebert of this site's political page lately. Only they at least they agreed on things occasionally. It's definitely more enjoyable than people linking Yahoo news articles and the things that schizo Keelai brings up.


Well as long as you find it interesting and funny, I'm happy.
But feel free to give me feedback anytime. I always appreciate your thoughtful posts so if you have anything to add, I'd love to hear it.


He's right in this instance, though.

Germany has strict laws against certain symbology and, with that included, expressions like doing the Hitler-salute, saying "Sieg Heil!" and so on.

However, I get what you mean and I do exactly that. While I do not say these things as it would be silly, I give people the "Nazi" they want. If someone calls me a Nazi because I am worried about 2 group rapes a day in my once peaceful country or how over 50% of the under 6 year olds now have a migration background, so be it. Guess I'm a Nazi then. Now what!? Exactly, nothing, because these buzzwords do not change anything let alone are they substitute for an argument. Like you correctly said, they are tools of the radical left to keep people in check.

And I won't be kept in check.


You may not have had much interaction with curiousmind but he doesn't just mean play into it. He means actually become one. Curiousmind is an actual fascist, white supremacist who wants to kill/exile/imprison all non-white people, LGBT people, and "progressives".


That makes sense. If we are talking about Germany I can see how that would be a problem.
But yeah, when it comes to going full Nazi, to the point of being silly, that's what I do here. At least half the time. Especially when it comes to certain users (like the pest that replied to your post). Aside from allowing me an opportunity to troll and let off some steam, my thinking is that if I attempt to "Normalize" my extreme version of radical conservatism, then people like you will seem reasonable by comparison. Where as right now, what you said (which is completely reasonable) is seen as extreme by the left.


Well yes, I understand why some people are driven to the far-right - but the AFD do genuinely have actual nazi sympathisers. This got them thrown out of the Identity & Democracy group by Marine-le-pen of all people.

And stuff like this:

One of their ex MPs was arrested in collaboration with the Reichsburger plot.

They also stoked a lot of concern over a 'remigration' meeting.


> They also stoked a lot of concern over a 'remigration' meeting.

1. This was not an "AfD-meeting", a few low level party members, 3 I think, have been present but that's it.
2. Other politicians of other parties, like the CDU(!) were there too, with even more people - nobody talks about it.
3. The whole meeting was utilized from the very start by the leftist press to frame it into something it isn't.

First, they called it a "secret meeting", to make it sound more ominous. It wasn't secret whatsoever.
Then, they created the absurdly stupid connection to the Wannsee-conference which took place a few kilometers away. Oh wow, arrest them all - I guess?
Then, they used words to make it all seem even more ominous and frame it even harder, speaking of "mass-deportations" (a word solely known to Germans in connection to the Holocaust).

Fun fact: The word (mass) deportation was not used once by anyone attending this meeting.
The word used was remigration - sending people who do not belong here, back to their home countries - was was the initial deal with all these "refugees" and "migrants".

Our now Chancellor, his party and many others used THE EXACT SAME WORDS and demanded the EXACT SAME THINGS (sending them back) years ago - it was cool, nobody cared (and rightly so, like WTF!?).

But NOW, now everyone looses their shit and acts as if the AfD (even though it wasn't their meeting or anything and others were significantly more present) is now basically "confirmed Nazi party" or some bullshit like that.

And this pattern, this red line can be observed about EVERYTHING in regards to the AfD and their "scandals" - it's completely made up or blown out of proportion with the sole purpose to somehow tarnish the party in whatever way possible so people do not vote them and those in power, stay in power.

As a German, I am observing this insane, tax-financed anti-AfD witch hunt for 10 years now and I have absolute had it!


What did Olaf Scholz say many years ago?

And I'd to see some comments on you regarding the Reichsburger plot and the seeming collaboration of an AFD lawmaker with it.

I assume you hate National Front now, by the way, given they did eject the AFD from the grouping over the SS comments.


Also, I wouldn't say that the representatives at that Hotel were purely low-level at all. The aide of the leader, the group leader for Saxony-Anhalt, and the chairman of the party in Potsdam.


> What did Olaf Scholz say many years ago?
The same things the AfD is saying and advocating for, but he's not being criticized - while the AfD is.

> the Reichsburger plot and the seeming collaboration of an AFD lawmaker with it.
Be more specific.

> given they did eject the AFD from the grouping over the SS comments.
This was a strategic maneuver by LePen to gain plus points and nothing else, it's absurd.
What did Krah really say then, that's so controversial?

He said, not every member of the Waffen-SS was automatically a criminal/or a criminal at all.
That is a completely correct statement for many reasons.
First, we know not every single one of them was a (war) criminal because not even every single W-SS unit committed crimes (while others did basically nothing else, Dirlewanger, for example...).
Second, later in the war, the W-SS FORCEFULLY recruited people as well. Hardly criminals, are they?

We had many post-war examples of German celebrities who were living proof that Krah is correct.
One of the most famous names might be Günther Graß, the author.

So why get anyone intro trouble for making a factually completely correct statement?
It's ludicrous, virtue signalling and nothing but smear-tactics.

> Also, I wouldn't say that the representatives at that Hotel were purely low-level at all. The aide of the leader, the group leader for Saxony-Anhalt, and the chairman of the party in Potsdam.

Okay - so? Again, what about all the other representatives from other parties? Again, no one talks about them, only the AfD which is and remains ridiculous. Nothing even happened during that "secret meeting", yet it is blown out of proportion and LITERALLY called "Wannseekonferenz 2.0", which is so incredibly insulting towards history and victims of actual Nazis, it's appalling and shameless. It's what the left does.


>The same things the AfD is saying and advocating for, but he's not being criticized - while the AfD is.

I mean can I get a specific link.

>Be more specific.

I linked it:

>This was a strategic maneuver by LePen to gain plus points and nothing else, it's absurd.

Why would it give plus points within her own support network if the statement itself was obviously non-controversial?

And I agree, that particular statement probably isn't anywhere near the worst.

>Okay - so? Again, what about all the other representatives from other parties? Again, no one talks about them, only the AfD which is and remains ridiculous. Nothing even happened during that "secret meeting", yet it is blown out of proportion and LITERALLY called "Wannseekonferenz 2.0", which is so incredibly insulting towards history and victims of actual Nazis, it's appalling and shameless. It's what the left doe

Who were these members in attendance from other parties?

Nothing could happen because it was a meeting. It's what they were talking about that concerned people.


As for picking out single, loe welvel shit members of them to then point at the whole party, come on, be better!

First of all, they kick these people out without discussion.
Second, the SPD had a guy who was into CP (yes, exactly that stuff) and they HARDLY kicked him out (took a while!)
The green party advocated for years to make it legal to fuck your close relatives.

Just to name a few examples.
Then there are countless corruption scandals across all parties for decades - so they are now all unvotable because of a few individuals falling out of line? No? Weird, so why is this an issue with the AfD?

Their party program, nor what they say and advocate for during parliament speeches or TV interviews shows ANY sign of racism, misogyny or let alone wanting to create the fourth reich, as leftists are convinced they want to.

It's absolutely pathetic what's happening in the German political landscape for years and the AfD is getting so strong lately because the harder the parties in power, with help of the propagandistic press that supports them instead of challenging them, the more people will wake up and see this farce for what it is and act accordingly.

And it's about fucking time!


>Then there are countless corruption scandals across all parties for decades - so they are now all unvotable because of a few individuals falling out of line? No? Weird, so why is this an issue with the AfD?

Because the belief is that these are AFD representatives saying the quiet bits of policy and aspiration out loud - whereas some SPD guy being into child porn is obviously a serious personal failing. Using nazi-era phrasing is going to be pretty dodgy in itself in a country like Germany, even bereft of context.

Also, and this is a bit off-topic to the main point - what do you think of the AFD cozying up to the CCP in recent years?


> Using nazi-era phrasing

Another bullshit PR stunt by the media and politics.
I assume you are referring to Höcke and him saying "Alles für Deutschland/everything for Germany!"

That THIS is deemed problematic, let alone SOMETHING THAT YOU GET INTO LEGAL TROUBLE OVER, is telling you everything you need to know about this dumb fuck shithole of a country. This is a farce and travesty. EVERY single other country in the world is allowed to be patriotic and proud, no matter the history. But Germany holds itself responsible until eternity and keeps pretending that being proud of ones nation and experiencing a feeling of "togetherness" is "problematic". The rest of the world rightly laughs at us for this.

> what do you think of the AFD cozying up to the CCP in recent years?
Be specific.


>Be specific.


I am very much in favor about a positive relationship with China - or any country for that matter.
Maybe post something that's actually controversial and worth debating.

This is on the same level as people criticizing Trump for reaching out to North Korea.


It's simping for it. Taking their line (or moving to their line on Xinjiang). Celebrating their annexation of Tibet, endorsing their position on Taiwan and before you know it an AFD-run government interrupts the football to show Xi Jinping arriving in the country, plays Chinese propaganda documentaries on TV, and you're importing Chinese police to help keep order.

There are also more serious direct issues:


>I assume you are referring to Höcke and him saying "Alles für Deutschland/everything for Germany!"

Not just that. There have been many winks and nods to the rhetoric. (scroll down to some examples, I can't copy and paste the text)


"Is Germany's far-right AfD a threat to democracy?"

I stopped reading there.
I'm not gonna waste my time on politically biased articles that have an agenda.

In reality, the AfD is the one party right now in Germany that advocates for democracy (They want public referendums for certain decisions, like Switzerland is doing it) while others try to minimize it, especially the current government, most infamously the green party who accuse everyone around them of being fascists, bigots and Nazis, while they are the ones who try to curtail the little freedom of speech we have in Germany or introduce more laws to curtail whatever freedoms remain.

I don't care about some biased press articles.
I care about the actual state my country is in and who can offer the best solutions. And that is, by far, the AfD. Now you will quote some article claiming the AfD holds no answers. I will give you answers. Then you will move the goal post and claim "nono, these answers are too simple for a too complex problem!" and so on.

Not interested. Been there, done that.

The more I talk to people like you, the more I know who to vote for, again.


It directly quotes specific representatives using nazi-era phrases.

You refuse to look at sources, I can't help you.

Also I didn't say that the AFD holds no answers, or isn't tapping into the failure of other parties. Of course they are. But that doesn't somehow diminish some of the dodgy things they've said.


So to take a shortcut here, are you seriously implying the AfD is - in actuality - an actual undemocratic Nazi-party and is just disguising itself until they one day reach power and these "dog whistles" are basically Freudian-slips that basically prove the above, or what?


I personally don't think they're nazi as such. I don't know why some of them seem to use Nazi-era catchphrases. Why do you think they do? It seems tactically utterly braindead at the very minimum to ape that rhetoric.

I think they're closer to Fidesz or maybe Law & Justice in Poland (although with differing foreign policy). In the event of AFD winning a majority, I could see them capturing or attempting to capture the civil service, throttling state institutions to co-opt publicly funded news and aligning with the PRC and Russia geopolitically. I could see them considering Russian or Georgia-style 'foreign agent laws' that would chill opposition and basically solidify themselves in office. So absolutely I consider them a potential threat to democracy.

The people at that conference did toy with the potential expulsion of actual German citizens.
