MexicanStandup's Replies

"You cant really be surprised" Now you're dictating what emotions we're allowed. Ya sad freak o' nature My other shocking beliefs include: • The sky is blue • Gil from the Simpsons is a funny character Anyone who rigs an election and sniffs children is evil, yes. [quote]and find other things to feel victimized about[/quote] We get it... you can tell people they're "mentally ill" and "imagining being persecuted" when they're not. Well done, how many more months do you have to spend every day saying that in a row before it magically makes Alexa Bliss take away the restraining orders and succumb to your fiery love? Since when did two-year-olds roll their eyes? That's like a thing sarcastic women do.... He was way off base and that was just into the 2nd sentence, what a f**kin' idiot. People who can't get their stupid analogies right are the dumbest and worst. Bad isn't always the same as evil, you could say it's been lousy ever since Peter Jennings described people voting the way they did in 1994 as a "hissy fit" (I think it was). Or was it "temper tantrum"? Your post didn't mention the college protests at all. You were just too busy getting angry about an unsuccessful protest from over 3 years ago, where one cop who thought he had an easy beat died of a stroke cause he never ate anything except donuts, and you pretend that's the only event in human history now? Maybe your 3 working brain cells could have an insurrection against all the millions of dead ones? [quote]in fact it bears no resemblance to an insurrection in any way.[/quote] You're so utterly demented, you actually believe now the dictionary says under Insurrection: "Trying to change election results (to the real ones)" How did you mentally get to the point where "lying to the taxman about which pornstars you had sex with"... is the most important crime or something? I guess that's a question for your psychiatrist that you refuse to hire. Edit: Haha he panicked cause of my post and deleted it . LOSER! Pick just 5? You got to be joking Not "I love my significant other or spouse" Because you have never had one and you have no concept of normal life. Right?