MovieChat Forums > Politics > How long has the media been evil?

How long has the media been evil?

How long have they been doing it for?


Bad isn't always the same as evil, you could say it's been lousy ever since Peter Jennings described people voting the way they did in 1994 as a "hissy fit" (I think it was).

Or was it "temper tantrum"?


“Some thoughts on those angry voters. Ask parents of any two-year-old and they can tell you about those temper tantrums: the stomping feet, the rolling eyes, the screaming. It’s clear that the anger controls the child and not the other way around. It’s the job of the parent to teach the child to control the anger and channel it in a positive way. Imagine a nation full of uncontrolled two-year-old rage. The voters had a temper tantrum last week...Parenting and governing don’t have to be dirty words: the nation can’t be run by an angry two-year-old.” Peter Jennings, 1994

The media have been fake news-peddling, elitest scumbags forever. It's just in our lifetimes that they've made their disdain for the dirt people so viscerally clear. Peter Jennings is one of those guys whom we're supposed to wistfully look back on as a "good guy", one of those sober reporters who just delivered the facts. Bollocks. He and his contemporaries were biased jerkoffs who felt entitled to lie to the public they pretended to serve.


Since when did two-year-olds roll their eyes? That's like a thing sarcastic women do....

He was way off base and that was just into the 2nd sentence, what a f**kin' idiot. People who can't get their stupid analogies right are the dumbest and worst.


Same length of time as politicians.


Since 2016 when they started saying not nice things about Lord Donald ,
and yae he proclaimed them "Fake News" for henceforth more.
and lo the devoted doth brand all media "MSM Lies" for all time , Amen.


I'd say once Trump won in 2016, they showed their true colors.. 🤔




That was another click of the ratchet, but 8 years of slobbering over Bathhouse Barry set the stage for the unhinged reaction to Trump's emergence. And don't forget that, despite the fact that he's a uniparty darling now, they spent 8 years comparing Bush to Hitler and insisting that he was going to smash the Constitution and stay in power beyond 2008. And do you remember the despicable manner in which they covered Sarah Palin? I have a good friend, longtime resident of DC and a regular guest on these very same national cable outlets when one particular topic is in the news, in other words not a conservative at all, who was stunned in 2008 by the ferocity with which they lied about and smeared Palin.

It's been several decades now that the entirety of the mainstream media, FOX included, has been populated by carny trash.


Since Trump declared he was running for president.
