MovieChat Forums > Politics > Three friends, two vaxxed, one not (Gene...

Three friends, two vaxxed, one not (General Discussion)

I wanted to ask this in General Discussion so as to get some logical responses but was afraid of what reaction I might get.

Take three friends, two of whom are vaccinated and one who simply hasn't got around to it because they feel they have anti-bodies and a convenient opportunity hasn't arisen.

The two vaxxed people say the third cannot visit until they get the shot. Are they correct is fearing the third person? If so, what's the point of getting the vaccination if you are still afraid of it spreading in your own home?


one who simply hasn't got around to it because they feel they have anti-bodies
I'd mostly be curious as to how this guy came to this conclusion. Is he a doctor? Has he looked at his bloodwork? Can he even define what anti-bodies are? Because that statement would be about as useful as a guy who wants to drive stock cars because he feels his Midi-Chlorian count is solid.


Back in Feb 2020, I experienced extreme fatigue, like having the flu but w/o the runny nose and stuff. It's different than being tired. I probably had a fever and I just said, I've gotta get some rest. I got over it in a few days, but it came back two weeks later, not quite as bad but the same feeling.
Next thing you know, it's March and everyone starts talking Covid-19. I realized I was constantly in Germ Farm environments, so there was a good chance I was exposed. And all the medical professionals were so damn busy I didn't want to burden them with some hypothetical concern when essentially I felt fine.
So it's just a guess, but I'm usually pretty healthy so if I was exposed but didn't succumb to a full-on viral attack doesn't necessarily surprise me.


Yes. The vaccination isn't 100% protection.

If everyone would get vaccinated, we would reach herd immunity. The anti-vaxxers are preventing that from happening.


Yes, someone I know made the same comment, the vaccine isn't a 100% guarantee, and I lose sight of that once and again.


for myself, since i am vaccinated, have taken the position that i am protected and am less stringent about contact.

here's the thing - these variants are going to be around forever, because of people like your dimwitted friend, and i don't propose to spend the rest of my life in fear.

when boosters come, i will take them.


Good show, obedient citizen!


I got the Johnson & Johnson 3-1/2 hours ago.
With my supposed previous exposure, I hope I am "rockin' in the free world" at least for now.
Heard a report that the combination of natural anti-bodies plus the vax makes for a strong immunization against the variants.


my understanding is that once vaccinated, with or without previous exposure, any subsequent covid infection wont be very serious, easily treated.

which is good enough for me.


Yes, they are correct, the third guy should be shamed into being vaccinated, and encounter bars to entry nearly everywhere he goes.


Zieg heil!




They're aren't self-important douches like you, and they're able to understand a little bit about the science of vaccines?


I don't like needles and had no one badgering me to get it done, so I coasted. I did all the other things like masking and social distancing and staying home like a monk. But I got it done today.


i would say they're wrong.

if they are doing it for some kind of 'virtue ethics' reason, that they don't want to have someone over who doesn't want to get the shot for whatever reason because they just don't want to associate with someone they think is being wrong-headed, then that's another matter. i'd say that's somewhat defensible.

but as a protection for themselves, i'd say they're being overly cautious, to the point of being counter-productive and perhaps slightly reeking of jerkiness.


That's how I felt.

And I'm enough of a Jerk myself I'm tempted to tell them the next time I hear from them is ...

I don't think my vaccination status is any of your business --
even though I am now vaccinated.
I kinda hate to endanger the friendship over this point, but I'm a might steamed they took this stance.
Like, I could have simply Lied and been able to visit, but I'm not that way.


If someone can't be bothered to get vaccinated, then I can't be bothered to let them into my house. Sorry, not sorry.


Why? Does you vax not work?


My house - my rules.


That's great. Do you believe your vax works, or not?


I believe it reduces the chance of catching it, however, it is not 100% effective and moreover, I could still become a super spreader and pass it onto someone else.


What do you think about Dr Fauchi admitting that asymptomatic spread has never driven a pandemic, and the study from China that showed 0 asymptomatic spread from over 10 million cases?

Add to that, the fact that asymptomatic spread generally isn't even a thing in the majority of respiratory diseases...?


I'm quite happy to follow the Government guidelines that are laid down in the country that I reside.


I'm quite happy to follow the Government

How do those boots taste?


I’m alive, happy, enjoying life and living the dream, so all is good over in Kings Towers thanks.


If vaccinated people are afraid to be around those that aren't vaccinated, then that tells you just how little faith they have in the effectiveness of the vaccine.


Just because I have faith in my hand soap, doesn't mean I'm willing to shake your unwashed hand after you walk out of a bathroom.


How do you know it's unwashed?




Because when medical professionals recommended he wash his hands, he started screaming about soap not being 100% safe and how Bill gates is secretly putting control chips in every bottle of Dial.


I mean anyone.


Why would they be afraid? Does vaccine not work?


They have no reason to be afraid, because the vaccine does work. That’s exactly why they should shame as ridicule the third guy for being a colossal douche, and bar him from entry until he’s pulled his head out of his ass.


That’s exactly why they should shame as ridicule the third guy

But why? If their vax woks, then why do they care about the third guy's choice for himself?


Because they're capable of seeing beyond the tip of their own nose? You really ought to try it!


See what?


You shouldn't assume and claim the third guy is "a colossal douche." Really does not bolster your argument.


Well, I guess he shouldn't behave so colossally douchey then?!
