MovieChat Forums > Politics > Remove racist Trumpers from Chat

Remove racist Trumpers from Chat

It took about 20 minutes but after clicking on each of their profiles and then clicking "Ignore" what I see on this forum looks so much more interesting.
I can't see their posts or their comments.
I made them disappear like magic πŸ˜„
If a new one pops up now, he's gone forever with one click.
Don't ignore them, dissolve them!


And the beauty of it is they can see this post but if they comment on it, I never even see it πŸ˜„


Replying to yourself?


Someone had to.

Another substance free post courtesy Democrat lemming 4673.


LOL! πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ«₯ Denotes empty headed.


You're proud of sticking your fingers in your ears, while also burying your head in the sand? Okay.

How bliss is ignorance?


You need to watch Fox News.


Be kind to the Trumpists.

This is the only place they have left where they can't be targeted by the big tech lizard people's space lasers.




There's always the underside of the flat earth πŸ˜„


Lol I agree! These forums is the only thing that makes them feel powerful and important. There's no place out there for them.

Society shuns them due to their stupidity and lack of intelligence. Dont take their insults and Trump praising comments personally! They're just covering up for own incompetence.


Yes, I'm sure you're right about the web being the one place they are not afraid to promote a cowardly bravado, plus most are you know, really old and all that.
I'm not hurt or insulted by them, but they're just so repetitive and boring.


Folks, let me introduce you to our newest vacuous troll…Just3Channels! Maybe just 3 brain cells. πŸ™‡πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Good Grief! Where do these thingys come from? πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


Apparently, it puts everyone on Ignore, so pretty soon they’ll have no-one to talk to πŸ™„


So, this Troll is pretty much talking to himself! This is what he does with those he’s put on ignore: 🫣

He’s a useless dingbat! And a lying one at that! He responds to those on his Ignore list. πŸ™„


It's the same thing Amerigirl does.

Though one major difference is after she puts people on ignore, she'll still call them out two years later.


Do you use the actual definition of racism to determine who is racist?


Welcome to the 21st century, people. If you don't like what someone is saying, put your fingers in your ears and go "la la la".

Participation medals for everyone and the people who hurt your feelings can go to the 'ignore button' cornfield!


Precisely, what's open debate if I'm just going to throw a tantrum when someone presents a decent counter argument so all I'm left with is to pretend they don't exist?

Echo chamber please!!! πŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ

I don't even like Trump (he's an idiot) but to be so close minded ....


Wait! You like something that I don’t like and that hurts my feelings *searches for safe space*


La-La-La, sorry I wasn’t listening.


LA LA LA! I wasn't listening more!


I’m too busy saying La-La-La, sorry.


You're a fool. By doing that, it's just going to seem like you have no counter arguments to their replies. I never do that and always address the arguments of my opponents.


No one ever changed anyone's mind arguing on forums.
I check in here for a pleasant distraction during my work day. It was pointless to spend that few minutes arguing with angry old racist who live on disability and have all day to watch Fox news and then look for internet fights with people.
So I made forums better for me.


You don't change minds of people you disagree with, but you can influence minds of people who read the comments and haven't decided which side they're on yet.


Just looked at your profile. Bye.


I prefer you ignoring me. That way it will just appear that you don't have counter arguments. But I bet even if you argued with me, you wouldn't have
