MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why do Magas accuse democrats of being d...

Why do Magas accuse democrats of being dictators?

When it's their people who support overturning elections to retain power, taking away rights from people and the unitary executive principle, which is that the President can do anything he wants to do regardless of congress or the law?


Let's see... they try to dictate people's:

Voting Habits
Desire of Self-Defense
Halloween costumes
Hair Styles
Cake Baking
Mask Wearing
Injection Taking
Thermostat settings
Leg Spreading

I'm sure others can add to this list exponentially...


Lol, funny story, bro


I noticed you cannot refute the points...


Show me a law affecting your thoughts.


Your whole premise hangs on a lie. Pure and simple. Nobody wanted to overturn a fair and honest election. Period. That is a fallacy that democrats have been cultivating since the Jan 6 riot. Democrats have fully capitalized on it for political gain and you dummies bought into it.

Whose rights are being taken away? Please tell me which side wants to defund the police AND take away a citizens' right and ability to defend themselves?

I know of no conservative who supports an authoritarian government. That would be you.


Are you living on another planet?


Whatriot that was a peaceful protest lol


All those leg spreading laws being passed by democratic politicians...


You can't be serious.


4 replies, zero actual counterpoints.



Nobody wanted to overturn a fair and honest election


Uncle Donald will be proud you are still sticking his complete bullshit this far down the road , despite not a single shred of evidence appearing.


Because Democrats hate:

Secure elections
The constitution
The American flag
American traditions
People succeeding independent of government.

Any questions?


Do you have anything to support any of those things?

Secure elections - we have pretty secure elections. Republicans want to ignore the vote and have either governors or legislatures override the results.

The constitution - Republicans want to ban free speech (BDS, book banning), impose state religion, take away right to bodily autonomy and the right to public accommodation.

The American flag - in what way? Unless you mean the confederate flag

American traditions - like what?

Freedom - like what freedom?

People succeeding independent of government - how so?


making random lists of "good things" and then prefixing them with "dem hate this: "
is all the publicans do here.
You'll rarely see a single item on the list discussed /proved / refuted in any meaningful way .


Pure projection.


Why are people obsessed with Black and White thinking in politics these days? I doubt it used to be these bad on both sides today.


Have you looked in the mirror lately? We're not the ones censoring people, burning down buildings, hitting people with baseball bats, using fake plagues to control people, using social media, Hollywood, and the lamestream news to brainwash people, siccing the FBI on people we don't like, firing people for not playing into a sick gender fantasy, subjecting our kids to the gay/tranny agenda, murdering unborn babies, treating criminals better than our own citizens, and calling everyone an istaphobe whenever they disagree with us. That entire "insurrection" bullshit is based on a lie. It was nothing more than a smokescreen for the coup that was going on behind closed doors on Capitol Hill. All Republicans wanted that day was a fair election, and what they got was a corrupt, sadistic govt. that used the FBI to frame them for "threatening democracy."

But please, keep letting everyone know how sick and sad a person you are because you happily drank the kool-aid your Democrap communist masters so copiously feed you every day. Let everyone know how stupid you are to buy into their lies and deceptions instead of thinking for yourself and looking at what's really happening outside the internet. I'll be laughing when you get dragged off to hell like the rest of your democrap buddies on here, still screaming that you're the hero and everyone else is a villain.


Are you currently institutionalized?


Holy shit, not one of these trolls can actually refute any points being made in this thread...

I mean, I'm not shocked at all....but they could at least try. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


"Have you looked in the mirror lately? We're not the ones censoring people,"

Are you aware of the anti-BDS laws that have been passed? There is a case about it before the SCOTUS this year.


You typed a lot of truth in that statement. Sadly. But, nevertheless, truthful statements.

Left vs. Right

Most Republicans have a faith based agenda. A spiritual base or foundation. ‘God Guns Country’ appears to be the current mantra these days.
A right to bare arms...2nd Amendment I believe?

As professed Christian’ many are...a gun? A gun!
Warriors for Christ?
God’s Army?
God Bless America? Is (this) His blessing?
Division and angst among His people?
Ready to defend and kill one another over a difference in ideology?

I watch FOX’s the only news source that is speaking a smidge of truth, but, they are just as wrong, only in a different way.
Dan Bongino...Sean Hannity...Laura Ingram...Emily Campano...Pete Hedgstet...claiming to know GOD...sitting there wearing their crosses and speaking about faith and God and war and right to protect themselves with GUNS! An instrument of Death! In the same breath!
God and Guns...
Plain and simple! A commandment given to mankind by God Himself...but a few perverted thinkers decided to re-write God’s law and replace IT with man’s law!

This is the sort of hypocrisy people hate!
Who do they worship?
Themselves and a system destined for destruction!

Soon they will be equal.
Soon they will be on the same page.
Soon they will be destroyed as ONE!

One CAN NOT be a true Christian if they pick either side! Period!

Satan is swinging BOTH sides by the tail!
Rock on warriors for Christ!
Rock on warriors for not-Christ!


I don't watch Fox News. They're just the diet coke of left-wing propaganda news with a smidgen of right-wing put in to get in all the viewers that wouldn't watch the other stations.

The right to bear arms has nothing to do with going on a rampage and murdering people or having a psychotic love affair with your gun. Far from it. It's about being able to defend yourself if your life or the lives of others is put in danger. It's about using guns responsibly instead of for evil purposes. What the lamestream news refuses to talk about is that many shootings were prevented by a responsible person stopping the murderer, using a gun themselves, and calling the cops to take the murderer-to-be away. There are more of those scenarios than there are of shooters getting away with killing innocent, unarmed people.

Part of the reason there is a push for gun control is because people are brainwashed into believing that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will keep society safe, when criminals don't give a shit about the law and still have guns. Many dictators support gun control too, both past and present.

By the way, no thanks to Martin Luther King Jr, a lot of people have misinterpreted that commandment of "thou shalt not kill." It's not about killing in general. It's about don't murder. It doesn't any anything about defending yourself from harm.
