MovieChat Forums > Politics > DemoKKKrats are now calling on President...

DemoKKKrats are now calling on President Trump to be shot


Perhaps she wasn't actually calling for it to happen, but her saying he needs to be shot shows her REAL feelings towards Trump and the situation that he is involved in. It's very easy for someone to prepare a few seconds ahead of time to think of what they are going to say during a speech, so it wasn't likely a slip-up.


It’s clear she accidentally told the truth and she just told the far left death cult mob to go murder President Trump the same way they tried to murder Justice Kavanaugh.


So they plan on being murderers? Must be a bunch of psychos in that group then.


The far left death cult is fucking crazy. Just look at the 2020 Summer of Carnage.


Hang Mike Pence right?


574 violent BLM/Antifa insurrections: dozens of people dead, thousands of cops hospitalized, billions of dollars in damage. All incited by far left cult leaders like Diaper Joe. Also the far left wanted Mike Pence dead for 4 years, your sudden concern for him when it’s politically convenient rings incredibly hollow


lol, dumbass, Pence is a lefty treasonous RINO.


...Pence is *left-wing*? What?


All imaginary presidents should be shot (penalty for treason).


Oh I see you are still peddling the debunked Russian Collusion conspiracy theory. I thought your death cult hated conspiracy theories? Also you just incited violence against a US President, that is treason and not only should you be in jail but everyone you voted for should be investigated thoroughly.


It wasn't debunked. It showed a lot of coordination between the Russian government and the tRump campaign. You should try reading it, or at least a condensed version of it. Mueller said outright that his commission was not given the power to indict, but he would if he could.


It absolutely was debunked. The entire Russian collusion conspiracy theory was a lie and you were dumb enough to fall for it. Every journalist who won a Pulitzer for reporting on it should have to give it back, every politician who peddled this nonsense should be prosecuted. Your cult isn’t even arguing this anymore, someone apparently forgot to give you the memo. Hillary was so pissy that she lost an election that she bought a fake dossier and peddled a basket of lies for 4 straight years.


Democrats continue to incite violence on conservatives without consequences!

Their supporters continue to remain in denial if this fact.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


She should be immediately prosecuted. She directly told her mob to go kill President Trump which is an assault on our democracy. What’s deeply disturbing is that none of the DemoKKKrats who pitched a fit over J6 are even going to care. They aren’t even trying to hide their bias and selective moral outrages anymore.


But that is ok since she is a POC and a Dem.

Flip that around to a white politician calling for Obama to be shot and they would burn down Washington.




I don’t even think it matters that she’s a POC.

If a white libtard told BLM to go murder a black conservative the far left wouldn’t care either. In fact they would probably encourage it.


So one Democrat said something stupid. That doesn't represent the whole party. Your fake outrage is getting old, Goober.


Something stupid? She directly called on her mob to kill a US President. That’s a direct assault on our democracy and it’s domestic terrorism. The fact that MSDNC didn’t beep her makes them accessories.


See, that is precisely what I’m talking about right there, when a lefty has nothing else, they end up with apathy, disdain, and indifference like the imbecile that you replied to. 👉 robocat893


Robocat is a complete and total brainwashed far left demokkkrat cultist. He will never go against his cult no matter how deeply they sink morally. It’s really disturbing that people like him are actually allowed to vote.


Not only do I vote but I vote by mail.


I bet you vote by mail multiple times in the same election. I bet after you die you’ll still be voting by mail.


lmao 🤣


I see I'm still living in your head rent free. Thanks!


Not really, I forgot all about you until you hunted me down and replied to me.


So let me get this straight: “Shoot” President Trump is just something “stupid” but “march peacefully and patriotically” is an attempt to overthrow the government? I doubt you even believe your own retarded logic, dingleberry.


I triggered you yet again and now you're so angry you made two replies to my post . Calm down, Goober. Here, have a hug.


Yet you were the one who hunted me down to spout out your far left hate speech. You want to murder President Trump, that is not something you can just let go. You know, as an unbiased and impartial observer I have to ask: What the fuck is wrong with you? What has your cult brainwashed you with to make you defend murdering a US President?


Well considering that group of folks likes the support of Lockheed Martin, is anyone surprised they like violence?
