MovieChat Forums > Politics > Anyone else support Hamas?

Anyone else support Hamas?

All this talk about supporting Israel who are literal conquerors. Some people support Palestine but you can't really say that in public.

But what about supporting Hamas? These are the freedom fighters that are actually trying to do something about it. I stand with Hamas. Does anyone else stand with Hamas?


In a sane society this thread would be printed out and given to congress as a way of taking the vote away from women.

Everyday our society gets closer and closer to the anti-christ. if it's not directly supporting islam (the anti-christ religion) it's making excuses for it. saying everything they do is some false flag and how they are never ever to blame.

the people using moviechat really have embraced calling good bad, and bad good.


Hamas can burn in hell. Anyone who supports such monsters is no better. By the way, they don't like women and see them as little more than rape/murder objects, just so you know. Good day.


How can they be freedom fighters if they don't give a shit about their own people? Freedom fighters don't use civilians as human shields.


Nor do they deliberately target children:


I read about that and saw the pictures. Sickening. SuperGirl is either dumb or trolling.


Or possibly both.


I look at the whole situation like an AITA reddit post, as in ESH!
