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House Speaker Mike Johnson believes in 'Pizzagate' conspiracy theory

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson wrote the foreword and publicly promoted a 2022 book that spread baseless and discredited conspiracy theories and used derogatory homophobic insults.

Written by Scott McKay, a local Louisiana politics blogger, the book, “The Revivalist Manifesto,” gives credence to unfounded conspiracy theories often embraced by the far-right – including the “Pizzagate” hoax, which falsely claimed top Democratic officials were involved in a pedophile ring, among other conspiracies.

The book also propagates baseless and inaccurate claims, implying that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was subjected to blackmail and connected to the disgraced underage sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Other sections of the book defend podcaster Joe Rogan from racism charges after it was revealed he used the N-word, which Rogan later apologized for. The book also disparages poor voters as “unsophisticated and susceptible to government dependency” and easy to manipulate with “Black Lives Matter ‘defund the police’ pandering.”

“Scott McKay presents a valuable and timely contribution with The Revivalist Manifesto because he has managed here to articulate well what millions of conscientious, freedom-loving Americans are sensing,” Johnson writes in his 300-word foreword.

Johnson’s endorsement of the book extends beyond the foreword: In 2022, he actively promoted the book on his public social media platforms and even dedicated an episode of his podcast he co-hosts with his wife to hosting McKay.

During the podcast episode, Johnson expressed his belief in the book, stating, “I obviously believe in the product, or I wouldn’t have written the foreword. So I endorse the work.” He also referred to McKay as a “dear friend” and highlighted that the book “really could make some waves.” Over the years, Johnson had written opinion pieces for McKay’s blog, the Hayride, and engaged with the author on public platforms like Facebook.

Since he was elevated to the speakership in October, Johnson’s views from his time as a socially conservative attorney, state lawmaker and Louisiana congressman have come under increased scrutiny – particularly his views on homosexuality which he has called an “inherently unnatural” and “dangerous” lifestyle and even blamed it, in part, for the fall of the Roman Empire.

Following publication of this story, a spokesman for Johnson told CNN he did not read passages of McKay’s book highlighted by CNN and said he strongly disagreed with them.

“The Speaker had never read the passages highlighted in the CNN story which he strongly disagrees with. He wrote the foreword as a favor to a friend, supportive of the general theme of the book but not as an endorsement of all the opinions expressed.”

CNN reached out to McKay, who called the story a “hit piece” on social media.

Reviving Pizzagate

In his book, McKay insinuates that hacked emails from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman John Podesta contained coded references hinting involvement in “child sex trafficking” because of “unexplained references” to “hot dogs and pizza,” resembling alleged code words used by pedophiles.

“The Pizzagate scandal was born, and though some of the most outlandish allegations made in it were clearly disproven, other elements were not; the whole thing just seemed to be dismissed as debunked, and no explanation was ever given,” he writes.

While McKay remains ambiguous in his book regarding the elements he asserts weren’t disproven, he explicitly writes on his public Facebook page that the conspiracy related to code words was not debunked and goes as far as labeling Podesta as a pedophile.

Despite framing conspiracy theories as inquiries in his book, McKay often openly endorses these claims on his public social media platforms.

Jared Holt, an expert on right wing conspiracy theories at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a think-tank that studies disinformation, told CNN that Johnson’s promotion of the book raised questions about the new House speaker’s judgment.

The book contains “the lurid daydreams of certain online far-right sentiments,” said Holt. “His leadership may open the door for those unpopular fringes to weld disproportionate political power.”

Homophobic slurs and disparaging poor voters

The book repeatedly disparages Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, calling the former mayor a “queer choice” for the Cabinet position and saying he had “queer sanctimony” and was “openly, and obnoxiously, gay.” At one point, the book labels him “Gay Mayor Pete Buttigieg.”

Another section takes aim at poor voters, who the author calls, “unsophisticated and susceptible to government dependency” and says they are easily manipulated with “bowdlerizing old monuments, or midnight basketball, or Black Lives Matter ‘defund the police’ pandering.”

....MAGA is cancer.


How do you think Epstein died?


Trump had Epstein killed because he knew too much.


So, you're fine witht the idea that rich and powerful politicans are child molestors and use their power to kill people that can expose them,

but ONLY if htey are politicians you oppose?

That is how you decide what is "conspiracy theory" and not?



You have no idea what I'm fine with but I'm not fine with any child molester. The rest of your post is just more of your usual stupid and unhinged rants.


It's just so funny. The majority of the aspects of the Pizza gate scandal, ie rich and powerful men being child molestors and using their power to protect their child molestor ring,

we now see was a reality.

But, we still have people like you, that need to...ridicule the claims as though they are unrealistic, when they are dodcumented and well known history.

I mean, we both know that not everyone that knew Epstein was a child molestor. But we also both know that SOME of the rich and powerful people that he knew, WHERE child molestors,

right? RC? I mean, you just hinted at that yourself, with Trump.

So, how do you do that? How do you know that it is true, and yet ridicule it as though it is unrealistic?

Are you just proud of being a good liar?


Whatever.. I just don't care and I'm not going to go around in circles with you. It's a waste of time.


Hey, remember when you people said it was crazy when Trump said his campaign was being spied on? And then just days later, you changed stories and insisted it was normal for Trump's presidential campaign to be spied on?

That was hilarious. You poeple looked like completely shameless lying whores.


Now what the fuck are you babbling about? What does this have to do with your previous post? Show me where I said that it was crazy when Trump said his campaign was being spied on then changed my mind. I never did because I don't care about that. I know with your obvious lack of intelligence you put everyone you don't like into one group. It's easier that way. You are obviously so stupid that you think you're winning something here. I'm sure your mommy is proud of you. 🤣 Grow up, child.


Hey, it's just funny to see how you lefties are completely shameless liars. And yet expect to be taken seriously.

And come on. You know if/when hte mob was saying it (crazy that Trump claimed he was spied on) that you would parrot the Party Line lke the shameless lefty hack that you are.


You keep supposing my behavior but you are very wrong. Only stupid people like you think they know exactly what an anonymous user on a public message board is thinking and what their beliefs are. Oh, I couldn't care less if you take me seriously or not. You don't matter.


I see a lefty hack spouting the lefty Party LIne and I assume that they would or did spout the lefty Party Line on other issues or at other times.

And it's not about whether I matter, but how true my words and ideas are.

I'm not claiming Authority. I am presenting my ideas and insight to either be seen as true or strong,

I think on some level, you know that I am right.



you clearly think that conspiracy theories are worse than actual child-molesting don't you?


How'd you get to that conclusion?

-Child molesting is bad.

-Unfounded conspiracy theories are bad.

-Unfounded conspiracy theories involving child molesting are bad.

Are you implying that the last item is OK because no child is actually getting molested?


Have you even started a thread complaining about Epsteing dying and the case being shut down without any client list ever being released?

Becuase you have started at least ONE complaining about a "conspiracy theory".

SO, if you have NOT started any about Espstein but have started this one, then it clearly shows that you care more about attacking conspiracy theories than you do about actual child molestation rings.


Of course he has never asked for real crimes to be investigated.

"That's... that's not what we do around here!"



Got it. No threads from you on the actual child molestor who just happened to die in police custody before he could name his rich and powerful fellow child molestors,

BUT, at least one from you attacking "conspiracy theories" about rich and powerful child molestors.

Thus, that point that you were attacking is shown to be true. You care more about attacking conspiracy theories than you do about actual child molestation.


Yes you got me. I'm walking down the street to a library to investigate the JFK assassination conspiracy. On the way a child appears and tells me she just escaped from the basement of a restaurant up the street where a bunch of men held her captive for weeks and asks for my help. I tell her, "Sorry kid. I'm a man on a mission to debunk conspiracy theories and can't be bothered with this right now. Good luck."


Why is Pizzagate a conspiracy theory, and who debunked it as a conspiracy theory?

The three child rapists who claimed to have debunked Pizzagate as a conspiracy theory don't qualify as having been debunked.


Remember when that dude came into Comet Pizza to shoot up the security system? lmao


It is crazy how divided this country is.


If there's one thing we learned as a country it's that there is no underage child sex ring that the Elites partake of.
