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University of Michigan Condemns BLM Protests

Oh wait, I keep getting these articles mixed up.

They didn't like another type of protest. Three guesses which one.


Does anybody else remember when free speech wasn't even up for debate? You either respected it, or you were a fascist.


Free speech! Until it's negative towards Israel...

Hmmm, my noticing of things is intensifying!!


Every. Single. Time.




The ā€˜leftā€™ wants to control free speech. And they donā€™t care about the truth.

"NPR's CEO believes that truth is subjective and the pursuit of truth can get in the way of getting things done."


Have you read any Matt Taibbi on Substack? Heā€™s doing a deep dive into that ladyā€™s social media posting. Sheā€™s an absolute loon. He has done a holiday calendar parody of her posts on each holiday. For Christmas, her take included a serious post that Frosty the Snowman was a symbol of the white patriarchy. Sheā€™s a nut


Have you read any Matt Taibbi on Substack?

I havenā€™t, but she is certainly the prime example for all the MSM and internet scriptures that justify pushing their agendas over telling the truth.


Iā€™ll send you a PM message with a link to one or Taibbiā€™s articles. Heā€™s a former lib Rolling Stone journalist but traditional liberal who respected other opinions and ideas. Now heā€™s moved right. Let me know what you think about the guy. Very interested in your reaction.


I read it. A spot on analysis of a deranged sociopath.

She has been labeled as a ā€œWOKE DEI Enforcerā€, thereā€™s a video about her by ā€˜the hillā€™ that mentions most of the points that Taibbi made.




She's a product of the deranged cult known as Liberal Arts Education.


@SandyR - I have to wonder if we've just had an illusion of free speech all this time.

We probably didn't complain about things those at the top carried about enough for them to bring the hammer down.


It's possibly true. The rest of the world, it seems, has never had an interest in hearing what the peasants have to say.


^^^ This


if palestinians would rid themselves of terrorists and become a civil country, then they might be free.


They couldn't even get KFC without having it smuggled in from Egypt. They were/are a prison people.
