MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump suggests he could be a 3-term pres...

Trump suggests he could be a 3-term president if he wins election

Good luck with that twice impeached four times indicted sexual abuser one term disgraced ex-president Trump.


The legal... targetting of him by you guys, is a testimony to how much you guys have nothing but contempt for the rule of law or your oaths of office or...really anytyhing but power and advancing the lefty agenda.




It will go down in history as an attempt at a legalistic coup and a MASSIVE abuse of power and a battle AGAINST democracy by an insanely out of control political party, the Dems.


Yeah... Good luck with that, Goober.


History students will read your posts Robocat, and be amazed that you were able to feed yourself with such disorganized thinking.


Nobody is going to read my comments here except for dumbfucks like you.


Don't sell yourself short. YOu are a perfect example of what is wrong with today's America. And future historians will consider you and people like you, important and worthy of study.

Of this, I have no doubt.


I'm not important and neither are you, Cupcake.


You are very important!! People like you, thinking like yours, is kiling this entire Western Civilization.

Moving forward, barring massive and rapid changes in course, billions will live worse lives, or die because of the harm you and yours are doing to this world.




I've already told you that I do have problems with disorganized thinking but I try to be coherent . You sure burned me!


Donald J Trump (3-Term President)

1.) 45th President (USA Corp)

2.) 19th President (Interim Puppet State)

3.) 47th President (New Republic)


Trump will never see the inside of the White House again. You are very stupid and gullible but then you still believe that the 2020 election was stolen. Dumbass!


He can't.

Presidents can only serve two terms. Consecutive, or non-consecutive.


Then tell ex-president Trump that because he's stupid.


No, Trump was been hyperbolic and sarcastic. Only a TDS sufferer would have taken it serious.

You knuckleheads have no sense of humor when it comes to anything that Trump says.


is your mouth broken? You do it.


When have facts or reality ever bothered Trump?
Its just another sign of his complete unsuitability for office , and lack of grasp of reality


Trump was being sarcastic. He already swore under oath that he wasn't president in 2021.


Do you actually believe the nonsense you type?


You would be the target audience for trash news like this.


...He really thinks he'll live that long?


So far the only three term president was a fucking democrat socialist. I guess we're due.

Funny how all your impeachments and indictments have done nothing but fail but you refuse to see them for what they are, a political witch hunt. YOU fucks are the fascists.
