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Putin 2024

Putin's critique of the West


Putin repeatedly lies about things that are happening in the west there. It is not common, anywhere for anyone to use "Parent 1" or "Parent 2" in the west. He takes others all of the stereotypes of LGBT people and parts of the progressive left and paints them as uniformly binding upon all of the west.


He sounds just like the candidate we need for 2024.


Someone who lies?


They all lie. He's probably the most honest out of the whole lot. And at least he represents me in the sense that he's calling out the things that are the problem.


What's he honest about, exactly?

He's completely misrepresenting western culture in its entirety. He knows absolutely nothing about it.


He's calling out the woke cancer that is spreading through Western culture.


That he knows absolutely nothing about, and greatly overstates and lies about.


He gets it mostly right.




You know how.


No, I do not.


That's too bad. I thought you knew.


No, hence why I asked. The only "truth" is that Putin has noticed that the west, broadly, doesn't persecute LGBT people and he extrapolates from there. What a brilliant observation from mr. super genius. Some of his specific claims were just bogus.


Why don't you know?


Are you doing the childish JoWilli tactic of just asking nonsense questions because you can no longer defend any point?


No, I think you're being obtuse on purpose so I'm treating you how you deserve to be treated.


Not remotely. Putin is just making extrapolations based purely on the fact that he observes LGBT people existing without persecution in the west. And he made some shit up. You're being suckered by propaganda meant for Russians.


Maybe you don't know what is happening in the United States, but most of what he said is true and is happening. Now I could spend the next 3 hours going through every line of the video and looking up all the evidence that supports what he's saying, but what would be the point? Why would I waste that much energy on trying to argue with you? At the end of it, will you concede and say that you were wrong? Of course not. It will be nothing but a waste of my time. So why don't you go through the video yourself, line by line, and go look for examples. Go argue with yourself and save me the frustration of talking to you.


I'll do what I like. I think you are full of shit and cannot back up any of the claims that he's making happening at scale.


I think you're saying that because it makes you feel better. But it just ain't the truth.


I'll do what I like. I think you are full of shit and cannot back up any of the claims that he's making happening at scale.

I await any evidence from you.


You sound like an insolent child.
But you keep waiting...


Immediately in Putin's clip he talks about how early USSR encouraging informing on other family members, but this is exactly what Russia does now.


Yes, and schools here in the U.S. encourage kids to hide their degeneracy from their parents and if the parents find out and disagree with what their child is doing, the child is encouraged to drop a dime on their parents, and child protective services might get involved.


I assume this actually depends on a state-by-state basis. And I don't see why the school should inform kids, who aren't transitioning, about their social behaviour to parents. Should schools also tell their parents that their kid might be a goth or a metalhead? What's the difference?

Should schools tell christian parents that their kid is no longer christian?


Lopping off your bits and bobs and going on a regimen of hormonal drugs is hardly the same thing as changing your hair or clothing styles. It's astounding that you're stupid enough to conflate the wholesale alteration of one's physical body with a something as frivolous as a t-shirt.


That's not what kids who might seem publicly effeminate and trying to present as a man or a woman at school are doing.


Yes, it depends on the state. I don't think it's as prevalent as right wingers make it out to be. But it does happen. Probably more common in places like Portland and Seattle. But I'm certain it also happens in states like California and also Illinois where we have Governor Prizker, whose cousin is trans and an activist, signed a whole slew of pro-trans bills into law.

As for informing the parents, I think it depends on the behavior. If a child all of the sudden thinks it's transgender and starts using different pronouns and uses a different name, I think the parents should be informed.


>As for informing the parents, I think it depends on the behavior. If a child all of the sudden thinks it's transgender and starts using different pronouns and uses a different name, I think the parents should be informed.


Should a christian or muslim family also be informed if the kid says they're an atheist? Or if they're just listening to death metal?


You don't see the difference between being trans and being a goth or Christian?
I think trans people would find that position offensive. It diminishes their experience.


>You don't see the difference between being trans and being a goth or Christian?

I very much expect many christian/muslim families would not like it if their kid was atheist. Many kids hide it. Should schools report that?

>I think trans people would find that position offensive. It diminishes their experience.

You again mistake me as some kind of trans-activist. I'm not.


You're right. I'm sure hardcore Christians/Muslims would think that it's a big deal, but it's not for them to decide what the kid thinks about the existence of God anymore than his opinion about his favorite sports team. It's not their business unless the kid wants to make it their business.
But being trans is a sign that there is something wrong with the kid. It's a mental illness. The parents have the right to know if there is something psychologically wrong with their child.

And I wasn't implying that you are a trans activist, I just thought that as a progressive you wouldn't want to offend them.


>You're right. I'm sure hardcore Christians/Muslims would think that it's a big deal, but it's not for them to decide what the kid thinks about the existence of God anymore than his opinion about his favorite sports team. It's not their business unless the kid wants to make it their business.

And the same goes for some kid who presents at feminine at school regarding their parents. It could be a safeguarding risk.

>But being trans is a sign that there is something wrong with the kid. It's a mental illness. The parents have the right to know if there is something psychologically wrong with their child.

Or it could just be phase and there's no reason to potentially jeopardise a kid over this.

>And I wasn't implying that you are a trans activist, I just thought that as a progressive you wouldn't want to offend them.

I don't care about offending anyone. I care about liberties, not feelings.


Or it could just be phase and there's no reason to potentially jeopardise a kid over this.

It could be. Most likely it is, given that the likely explanation for the explosion of trans people is that it's a social contagion.
But it still can fuck with a child's head and while they are in that phase they might want to do something stupid like take hormones and "transition" only to regret it later.
I think it still qualifies as something serious enough for the parents to be informed. Perhaps it could be done on a case by case basis. Assuming that the teacher has sound judgment and is not some woke activist.


Where can kids just get hormones? What ages are we even talking about here?

I would agree if there's some evidence of taking treatment, but if it's just a kid being feminine, even absurdly so, this really could be a safeguarding issue.


No, I agree. If the kid is just acting feminine then I don't think it's a bid deal. But if they change their name and pronouns and start cross-dressing then I think it crosses the line into something that we should be concerned about.


I don't even think a name or pronoun change should matter if they seem otherwise content.


Like I said, perhaps it could be done on a case by case basis. A teacher can decide if the child's behavior is something the parent should be concerned about. The only problem with this is that I don't trust the judgment of some woke activist teacher. And there is a lot of them now. Even in red states. But if we had the kind of teachers I had when I was in high school, then I think this would be a reasonable compromise.


That he knows absolutely nothing about

Yes he does, he has seen the damage that it has caused in liberal societies and the USA.

Everything he stated was 100% truth and factual.


>Yes he does, he has seen the damage that it has caused in liberal societies and the USA.

One of his statements that we call parents "parent one" and "parent two" is an actual lie. Vladimir Putin has spent most of his life inside Russia. He knows absolutely nothing about the west.

Also you speak as if Russia is some great place to live, and has no social ills.


Vladimir Putin, a trained KGB agent and long-time ruler of a major world power that resides on European soil, privy to the kinds of foreign intelligence assessments that you and I will never grasp, knows "absolutely nothing about the west", but the person calling himself Skavau knows enough about Russia to pronounce Putin wrong about everything.

Whatever you say, champ!


>Vladimir Putin, a trained KGB agent and long-time ruler of a major world power that resides on European soil, privy to the kinds of foreign intelligence assessments that you and I will never grasp, knows "absolutely nothing about the west", but the person calling himself Skavau knows enough about Russia to pronounce Putin wrong about everything.

He knows little about UK culture. He knows little about US culture. He knows little about French culture.

So Putin is right is he that it's normal in western countries for people to say "parent one" and "parent two"? Nevermind my life here, and nothing I've seen showing that to be true I should just assume that whatever Putin says is smart because he says it?

Would you instinctively trust intellectual commentators in the US about life in Russia? If Obama did a speech decrying the Russian world, would be right just because he's educated?


Would you say Barack Obama knows "absolutely nothing about Russia"?


About their actual local culture and social issues, yes I would. He's not shown much evidence he knows much about it.

Do you trust actual Russian commentators out of Russia like NFKRZ who I've likely linked to you multiple times?

And you didn't answer my question: So Putin is right is he that it's normal in western countries for people to say "parent one" and "parent two"?


What do you mean by "normal"? The use of the terms "parent 1" and "parent 2" are not uncommon on official documents in the West.


But they are not remotely in common vernacular or on most documents at all. They might be on some official medical documents, although the terms are not popular and are being undone in the UK.

Do you trust actual Russian commentators out of Russia like NFKRZ who I've likely linked to you multiple times?


He's one of the very rare people who would probably be less suitable than Trump




Everything he said was spot on.


Putin repeatedly lies about things that are happening in the west there. It is not common, anywhere for anyone to use "Parent 1" or "Parent 2" in the west. He takes others all of the stereotypes of LGBT people and parts of the progressive left and paints them as uniformly binding upon all of the west.


MAGA world has become a parody of itself now. Unless the OP is a deep-cover troll on far-right vatniks. In which case, well done.


I'm not MAGA. I don't fit into anybody's box.


In this situation you might fit into the useful idiot box.


You do realize that the "Putin 2024" slogan is tough-in-cheek right? I don't actually support Putin. I just think he accurately portrayed the anti-Woke position here.
Don't be an autist like Skavau.


Glad to hear.


Well alright then. Good day sir.


Then, you do support Putin.


900,000 Russians have fled Putin’s Russia. People vote with their feet. Notice how many migrants want to live in the West.


0.61% fled, 99.39% (147.1 million) Russians stayed. Majority wins.


1 out of 20 is a lot!!!!
