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What's with right-wing comedy and their infatuation of pronouns?

I already see enough of this shit from LibsofTikTok but they make comedy around this... Like Lady Ballers all over again, the jokes get so stale and dull. Is this the only comedy the right can do nowadays? Ham-fisted mishmash of pop-conservative talking points? Christ, even leftist comedy doesn't suffer this much derangement syndrome.


Mainly because not only is the whole thing Bullshit from the get go, but is a mental illness why one would go out of their way to be referred to something so specific and doesn't like the term "Male or Female".. It's absurd is why??


I get that but they focus so much on it isn't even funny no more. More complaints rather than jokes. Watching the same stuff over and over hoping you can get the same laugh from it when the left already does that themselves by showing it to everyone. You can't build comedy around just playing the same stuff that's already shown on reality tv.


Immigrants and trannies .... minor issues that get right wingers apoplectic

There will now be many replies explaining how these things are the end of the world and much more important than taxation , poverty , war , economics, equality , pollution etc


this. its all a hateful diversion, scape-goating, tribal drum beating. For those primarily motivated by fear, greed, paranoia, racism, insularity.


Probably projection? Insecurity about their sexuality?


Why are people obsessed with telling people their pronouns?

Who cares?


It's not world's job to cater to the delusions of 1 person.


What's with Disney mentioning pronouns in new Star Wars shows and new Doctor Who episodes? Somebody IS infatuated with pronouns, but it isn't right wingers.


It's both. One likes expressing it, the other likes complaining about it. You ALREADY know how bad it is for shows that express it, but to base it off the opposite isn't great either.


The whole neopronouns thing is a comedy. You CAN'T even describe it without making it sound like comedy.


Are you a Republican?


I reject considering myself one. I side with arguments, whichever sounds right to me, one at a time, and not with whoever claims to take ownership of it.


So "Republican" doesn't accurately describe how you see yourself, how you identify. It's too limiting of a word. That's how people who choose untraditional pronouns feel. "Man" and "woman" (not to be confused with male and female) are too limiting.


Being politically independent is very different from trying to invent a new gender role on the fly.


What does "limiting" mean?


Limiting meaning in puts you in a box. Republican or Democrat. Man or woman (Again not to be confused with male or female).

To ppl who in their minds identify as both or something in between, fluid, non-binary, etc the traditional man or woman (with the associated pronouns) doesn't cover the spectrum of their identity.

My pronouns are he, him, his, & gfy (not you personally, but anyone asking). If someone else's pronouns are they / them I'm not going to be an asshole and say to them "No, your pronouns are he/him." Because who am I? I'm not in their minds. I'll do my best to respect their pronouns. Kind of like how I'll do my best not to cut someone in line waiting for the bathroom. Mistakes happen, sometimes you get it wrong or accidentally cut someone in line. You can apologize or not and move on with your day.


I respect your will to respect other people. But as for your comparison between republican and genders, let me explain the difference.

Republican is a political party that I can freely join or leave, and whose attributes I can pick one at a time. Male and female, however, are exactly what you call "limiting". You are one or the other, no changing it.
And before you remind me "not to be confused with male or female", from what I've observed, nearly all attempts by genderqueer people to identify as "man or woman" have been a way to pretend "male or female".

IE: "A (trans) person who identifies as a woman is female."

And every time there are attempts to distinguish and separate male and female (like in sports), there's always a fight to fit the "women" together with the females.

And then there's the "they" people who deny being male AND female. You can see now why I called the whole thing a comedy.


This is only a thing on right-wing chat boards. Something there must be to gripe about.


Except the comedy in itself is shown in reality already, there is no need to make comedy around the same shtick.


Insanity in itself is shown in reality already. What's your point?

The longer advocates take it seriously, the longer other people will joke about it. And the sooner advocates stop taking it seriously, the sooner it will stop being their problem.


Because it's fucking funny. And sad. And nutty. Mostly funny.
