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President Biden Should Step Aside

His aides say he was thoroughly prepared - but dropped the ball on stage, and is viewed by those on the inside as on a fast declining trajectory.

I'm a Democrat, a Biden fan, who thinks he's been a fine president. But am inclined to see active steps taken to get a younger, vibrant & competent candidate in place for the coming election. Fresh blood. Hopefully, that isn't Harris, who doesn't inspire confidence on her own behalf.

Otherwise, I think the election is already lost.


I don't.

Biden has done a good job running the country and achieved plenty during his term.

Enough with the ageism.


Thats true , but why not just replace him with a democrat 30 or 40 years younger just to keep everyone happy?
Its not like he's uniquely qualified .
He's starting to look like one of the few people who could lose to the loudmouth orange joke candidate.


These claims of yours about Biden don't mesh well with your anti-Israel posts here.

Which administration has been funding Israel's military operations in Gaza again?


Yup, Kee-Liar is a snake. One day she's anti-Biden because of Gaza and the next, she's simping for him.


The election is Fascism vs Status Quo. I prefer Status Quo to your cult leader's Fascism.


Both Republicans and Democrats commit Palestinian genocide.

Israel is a Fascist country where 50% of the population lives in an open-air prison with no basic civil rights.

Why do you support Fascism?


The palestinians started the war knowing that they would lose. I have no more interest in their well being than they do.


War started when Europeans thought they were entitled to land in Asia.

Complete chaos in Israel as their economy tanks and riots in the streets are a daily occurrence.

500,000 fled since Oct. 7. It's only a matter of time before the remainder join them.


Mmmm, so you support the murder of innocent civilians, because it works?

I disagree. Screw teh terrorists.


Palestinians have a right to stop an invasion across their border from foreigners. Right?


Not when they started this war, they do not.


Ageism? How about reality? This is a man who has crossed the threshold of cognitive competency. It's not his fault and I don't judge him for it. This will happen to all of us. If we are lucky then we will live our last years in a rocking chair enjoying retirement.....not trying to do the hardest job in the world.

To continue to put Biden under this much pressure is elder abuse. politics be damned, let go of your tribal nature and accept the reality of the situation.


You forgot to mention Trump.


Trump, for all his faults, still has his faculties. This is the problem for a lot of you. Your response to every one of Bidens limitations is "but trump". That's not a solution. This has nothing to do with politics or policy. This is a case of our president not being able to physically and psychologically perform the job. The dems must get their heads out of the sand and fast track someone else and they need to do it now. stop the delusion.



Delusional Trump doesn't have all his faculties. And he's stupid, too!

You're delusional for believing that he has.


STOP looking at trump for one second because this isn't about trump. This is about Biden and his clear inability to perform the most important and difficult job in the world. I am not talking about trump. Look, if the dems don't find a replacement fast (and a good replacement at that) then you guys will lose and the guy you are obsessed with will be your president again.

saying "but Trump" does not a solution make.

btw, when I say Trump has his faculties, that means he can walk up and down stairs, find chairs, find the exit, speak coherently, and speak clearly. None of these things have anything to do with political ideology or general intelligence. They don't commit stupid people to the nursing home. But if Biden wasn't Biden, he'd be in one right now and Trump would not be.

Go find someone to run for the blue team. fast


Nah! Biden is fine. No need to replace him.

Felon Trump is stupid, mentally ill, morally unfit and anti-democratic as his incitement of his mob-supporters sacking the Capitol showed. The entire economy collapsed the last time and hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly died. No thanks. Biden stays.


You're delusional and too tribal to see past your party allegiance. But hey, yall did finally beat medicare.


Let me back up here for arguments Trump caused covid?


Dont worry the dems will print more ballots than voters again this time. Your chances are still pretty good with that goofball.


He had a cold. Everyone on the left has been telling us for years that our concerns about his age was stupid.

Are you claiming that all those people were wrong or lying, adn that all the bad evil republicans were right or telling the truth?

Raises some interesting questions about a lot of other shit, don't ya know...Just saying.


I'm not sure what you are asking or what your point is. I've had misgivings for a good while.

The proof is always in the pudding, and the pudding was uncooked Thursday nite. When it mattered a lot. His aides say he was thoroughly prepared, but his delivery was lots of hang-fire. It is what it is, it doesn't matter what a bunch of MAGAts say, either. Its on us.

Besides all of which, and this applies to the felon as well, though of course its not a concern to his cult - folks at or in their 80s generally are not hitting on all cylinders. What will 4.5 more years bring ? Trump is an idiot going in. Those are the alternatives at present.

We need a change. Let Joe pass the torch, let the interested folks run their campaigns, caucus for the delegates like in the old days - and get a candidate in their 40s-60s to step up to run the ship.

Trump is not a popular candidate. He can be beaten by a competent alternative.


You just had one part of the Party Line blow up in your face.

But I see that you are not questioning any of the rest of the party line, let's see...

1. "Felon", so you are buying that without question.

2. "Cult". You are buying into that, without question.

3. "Idiot, you are buying into that, without question.


If you didn't catch my OP, I stated I am a Democrat, and not surprisingly loathe Trump for only about a zillion reasons.

This thread isn't intended to jabber w/ Trumpniks, but to discuss w/ fellow Democrats and Independents the adviseability of replacing President Biden on the ticket.

If you aren't planning on voting Democratic, you have no skin in this game, nor is your input in any way relevant, other than perhaps to let off some trolling energy. Its our problem, not yours. But you notice, we are NOT a cult, and have the capacity of recognizing challenges, and adapting - as thinking, mature adults are challenged to do.


The way that you are holding on to the other lies of the left, that I counted out, is evidence that you are not.

If you oust Biden, you going to go with Harris?

You can't pass her over. She's a woman. And she's black. The optics on that would be too much for even the main stream medis to bury.

But she is also a hard core lefty with all the personal warmth of a great white shark.

She will lose you the election even worse than Biden will.

The only plus would be that you could blame that lose on "racism and "sexism" and use it to talk shit on America and Americans.


Harris has no claim to anything. Whatever process, if alternative selection there is to be, will be an open one, for which she can take part as an equal, but no more. We don't take our strategies or cues from those with a radically different view of the world, logic, reason, principle, commitment to the rule of law & democratic process than ourselves.

I don't care to argue w/ you about your politics. I don't care about your smug, toxic, reductive almost certainly authoritarian brand of politics, more national values.

You can carry on with this, but I don't think I have much more to exchange w/ you on the matter.


It makes no sense for you to support the "Felon" line, and to complain about MY supposed "authoritarianism".

Not to much more Authoritarian than arresting your political opponents as a campaign tactic. Well, I guess I should be happy he just didn't have him killed.

So, you want to pass over Harris? Incredible. The first black female VP, who has been our back up for the oval office for 3 years, and still is, and suddenly you just dismiss her?

Who do you want? OMG. omg. I just thought about how funny it would be if your answer was some other old white guy.

So, who do you hope for?


Until Biden chooses to step aside he's the nom. I've been seeing & feeling a lot of "Ruth Bader Biden" lately which could be right on the money but there's no way to know for sure until the November result.

If Biden does put ego aside I'd be comfortable with Newsome. That does leave the question of Harris being passed over though & the racial optics. Plus historically the idea is to have a President & VP from different states. They will both be seen as "coastal elites."


Yeah, I think throwing it open gets past that. VP's never usually have some a priori claim to the nomination, they always have to win it in an open primary. Obama did a real disservice in 2016 by boxing out Biden, more or less annointing Clinton as successor, a very very tone-deaf selection for the time. Allowing Harris to compete is all she reasonably has a right to claim.

My pref.s would be Whitmer, one of the govs - Newsome strikes me as too west coast pretty boy. But he'd certainly be in the mix. It would inject a note of freshness & excitement into the race - also, other than Harris or Newsome, most of the others have no significant baggage, haven't been slagged on by the MAGAts for years on end.


I'd personally be fine with Whitmer. Idk if the DNC is willing to risk running another white woman or if America is ready to vote for a woman in general (we should have had one a while ago).

Though Whitmer is far more likable than Hillary and like you said a fraction of the baggage.


It's kind of insulting to Americans as a whole to suggest at this late date that we aren't ready for a woman.

Hillary didn't lose because she was a woman. She lost because she was a TERRIBLE PERSON, and Trump was far better on the issues that working class and middle class Americans care about.


Seems like your party is all about “active steps” to remove presidential candidates from elections before anyone gets to vote on them.


A sharp video about his sharpness, careful though, its very sharp and you might cut yourself on it.


The media covering and lying for Joe 24x7. Shocker


Turns out it was just jet lag and the cold.

Thankfully being president doesn't involve flying anywhere and you're given immunity to colds.


This question is on full boil, under the surface - in a few days, a number of Dem officials going public w/ calls for President Biden's step down will become public.
