MovieChat Forums > Politics > To......whoever


This post (ignore, whatever) is about being baffled that what I'm seeing on screen, constantly, doesn't seem to be what trumpers who have TDS see on screen, and I want to ask some questions. not angry. not hateful. baffled. the sort of baffle you get when someone tries to eat ice cream with a fork. melted ice cream. because you can eat ice cream with a fork. world:"Trump is an idiot" Trumper:"Trump 2024". So.......yeah

0) nothing is going to change who you vote for. This comment is because there's a lot of red noise. and its a politics forum
1) stop watching Fox news
2) stop watching Fox news (it's an entertainment channel, not a news channel)
3) stop believing what fox news says about lgbtq
4) stop believing what fox news says about anything
What fox news tells you is liberal, isn't liberal
5) that isn't communism

8) The only main world leader who likes Trump, is Putin. why else do you think he "endorses" KH...
7) most of the world thinks trump is an idiot
6) I've given up watching the news. I don't consider the news to be a credible news source

Some reds seem to be looking for a "perfect America".......

1) whatever Fox news is selling as the perfect America, isn't the perfect America
2) whatever Fox news is telling you about the "real" America as it exists now - isn't how America is, as it exists now
3) whatever Fox news is telling you that the "other side" wants - that isn't what the other side wants.
barely anyone gives a fuc about LGBTQ or gender re assignment, or literally anything else that fox news tells you that anyone gives a fuc about
4) if you vote for the people that Fox news tells you will make America America, those people will not make America whatever it is that Fox news tells you they'll make it. But rich people will get a lot richer if you do.
5) guns. just, guns. guns are great. guns. you want them. have guns. guns, man. GUNS. guns guns guns guns guns. guns make everything better. motherfuckin bitch in my ass spread some jelly on my dick and wank me off using a copy of NRA monthly.....guns.

Whatever Donnie tells you about the wrong way Biden did it and I'm sure Biden did some things wrongly, although no ones saying there was a right way to do things, Donnie probably didn't actually have a plan for what he'd do differently. "it woudn't have happened if I was in charge" seems to be the line. The world seems to think KH is better than Biden. Donnie obviously thinks so, too.

I've got a feeling that if Trump gets in, what will happen about illegal immigrants, is exactly the same as if blue gets in. The only difference, will be Trump saying "we're gonna do something about them". You've already decided who you're going to vote for, and yea tbh, I don't give a shit. I'm just making some noise in response to the a lot of red noise on the forum. I'm just baffled at the blindsided TRUMP 2024/STILL VOTING TRUMP, despite all the crap he comes out with. If Donnie gets in, Fox news will be saying better numbers about immigrants, even they are exactly the same as if blue got in.

Both our political parties are useless. One are cunts, the other are useless. We wait until we cant stand the cunts any more, then vote for the useless ones, and vice versa. But we're aware of what they do wrong (more or less), and try to do something about it. Good numbers or bad numbers aren't called fake news. or maybe they are.

We have immigration too. The numbers aren't reliable and tiny issues get broadcast as huge issues. None of our political parties do anything about it, and any that say they will, won't, and are just using it to get a vote. I don't consider most broadcast news to be reliable news. the BBC is a wetwipe, but we think of the BBC as a news source that keeps other news sources in check so that we don't become a country that believes the daily mail.

Occasional signature
"I don't know if it's true or not, but a lot of people are saying that" - DJT
using Fox News as a news source is like using Pacific Rim for gardening advice.
Political commentary/observation.
If I don't reply, it's because I agree/disagree/are neutral to what you said/didn't see/Ive blocked you because I'm thinking "shut the fuck up you retarded dipshit, I've heard more sense coming from the backside of a dyslexic amoeba". love and hugs, Elon.


I'll add in whatever as a different subject. The subject of giving "free stuff/shit" to immigrants. Here, the "free stuff" barely dints the surface, but it does get lots of shouting in the tabloids. Things that affect our economy much more, are tax evasion by major corps, pensions, and politicians choosing their buddies to run projects, rather than the best company to run projects - and that's the same anywhere in the world. Immigrants using health services are much less of a problem than the actual current logistics of.......running the health service. It's much easier to shout about free shit to immigrants, because then people don't pay attention to tax evasion by major corps.


If red gets in: "whatever happens, I'm glad red is in"
If blue gets in: "whatever happens it's because blue is in, if red was in, it would be better"


As someone who is far-right on cultural issues and far-left on economics, I agree with most of your points. Corporate news, whether it's Fox News or NewsMax, is all trash. And you are right, neither candidate will do what's needed to actually improve our country.

What we need is mass deportations of non-whites and a rollback of the last 50 years of "progressive policies" like the Civil Rights Act, LGBTQ rights, and transgender rights.

By the way, my hatred for "progressives" doesn’t come from watching right-wing media, it comes from personal experiences and interactions with them. They have been the most repulsive people I’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with, with rare exceptions


"As someone who is far-right on cultural issues and far-left on economics"

How do you square that with "What we need is... a rollback of the last 50 years of "progressive policies" like the Civil Rights Act..."

"We don't hire Christian White women, no matter how qualified she is. We only hire Christian White men."

You don't think that's unfair to White women?

P.S. the Civil Rights Act is close to 60 years...


As a far-right extremist on social and cultural issues, I advocate for rolling back recent advancements, such as LGBTQ rights, trans rights, and all the progressive legislative measures such as the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1964, and 1991, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Conversely, from an economic leftist (Democratic Socialist) perspective, I support strengthening Social Security, implementing Medicare for All, introducing a Universal Basic Dividend based on collective ownership of resources, ensuring affordable housing, providing childcare and eldercare, and upholding strong worker rights.

Regarding women, I believe their primary role should be in the home, raising children. Only exceptional women who excel in their fields should work outside the household.

Basically my ideal society would be a racially homogeneous (White) high-trust community that is socially conservative yet maintains a robust welfare state with resources designed to help its citizens thrive.

You are correct, my mistake. It has been almost exactly 60 years.


Wall of text.

Tell me you have TDS without telling me you have TDS.


I skimmed for a couple of seconds, and he does actually try to use the TDS Reversie Card in the first couple of sentences lmao.

But yes, I'm sure it's an unhinged rambling. Anyone want to try and give us a Cliff's Notes? We'd be super appreciative!


hi, hun.


I'm not Trump 🤣


not weird.


Pity you didn't ignore it.


You should have replaced Fox with “main stream/legacy media” and not included any of that other unnecessary rant.


Totally. Talk is cheap, but thanks for not reading it. :)


Cable news is partisan and not really news. Its main goal is to persuade.

Network and local news are real news. Quality varies.


Network news? How is that any different from mainstream news?


"Its main goal is to persuade." C'mon you know better than that. Its main goal is to sell commercials for crappy insurance products.


No. Fox News was created to have influence over conservative Americans by having them support an agenda that benefits the super rich.

For instance, Fox persuades working-class conservatives that a tax cut for billionaires is a great idea. Meanwhile, a tax cut for the working-class in the form of child tax credits is a bad idea.

Fox frames the former as a job creator which is really a lie since the rich pocket the money. Fox frames the latter as "socialism" which is a trigger word among conservatives so they oppose it.

Working-class conservatives are easily manipulated to vote against their own best interest.


I wonder if there is an anti-trust issue here...

I first heard Rush Limbaugh on the radio in Los Angeles in 1989. There were guys like "Wally George" (the father of Rebecca De Mornay) and Morton Downey Junior doing the same schtick in the early 1980's on local broadcast television.

Circa 2003/2004 on AM Talk Radio, every damn station had Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly in morning drive, evening drive, but in between there were these talentless hacks who just parroted the bigger names, and couldn't even deliver a line without stumbling.

I wondered then, if a station wanted to get Limbaugh, the station had to agree to give these hacks airtime, six, nine hours a day, even if their ratings were in the toilet? Pure political advertising for the GOP.

I don't think it's as prevalent anymore, at least on AM radio, but everyone can subscribe to this that and the other "pay" radio.


Rush Limbaugh was a part of it. Prior to right-wing radio and Fox News, most people watched and trusted mainstream media. I remember the campaign attacking MSM as "Liberal" not too long before the Fox debut. The goal was to destroy trust in MSM in order for conservatives to trust and watch Fox and right-wing media like Limbaugh. Laws had to be changed in order for Fox News to exists.

Big Business, with the Republican Party help, wanted more influence after huge gains for regular folks starting with the 1930s FDR's New Deal. Big Business felt threatened with attacks against them (ex. pollution; lawsuits against cigarette companies) so they began to fight back in the 1970s using The Powell Memorandum as a blueprint.

"The Powell Memorandum, which described a four-front conservative war on academia, media, politics, and the legal system to counter trends in liberalism and restraints on capitalism. This period saw the founding or expansion of the Pacific Legal Foundation and Mountain States Legal Foundation, the Business Roundtable, American Enterprise Institute, Hoover Institution, and The Cato Institute. Regulations were rolled back and antitrust efforts dwindled. The Friedman doctrine emboldened big business to place profits above all other considerations. The counterculture's "do your own thing" became the capitalists' "every man for himself".

Heritage Foundation, The Federalist Society, and Tea Party (created by rich, not grassroots) were created.

"The books Losing Ground and Wealth and Poverty argued against welfare policies and for supply-side economics. The FCC fairness doctrine was eliminated. The political economy was changing from "a more or less win-win game to one that was practically zero-sum".

It's basically a war against regular Americans. No coincidence that the working and middle-class standard of living went up starting with FDR and began to drop in the 1970s when changes began to favor the super rich and Big Biz.


Another (new or sock) leftist trying to pass as a house pet. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


Keep sleeping. thankyouverymuch.

