MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Sequels are almost always better in my e...

Sequels are almost always better in my experience

Whether it be Superhero movies (Winter Soldier, Avengers Infinity War, The Dark Knight, Spider-Man 2).

Horror sequels, especially in popular franchises are almost always best in the middle or later on like Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter and Halloween H20 and Ressurection.

The problem with the original movies is that they come across as more amateur, lack the proper budget, and the characters aren’t fully realized yet.

Yes there are exceptions like The Evil Dead and The Blair Witch Project....both that use there lack of budget to their advantage (giving them a naturalistic or rustic appeal).

But movies like “The Terminator” obviously have charm and are gritty, but come on....Judgement Day is miles better in every way.

Night of the living dead might be Romero’s greatest achievement, but Day of the Dead is such a vastly better movie.

You can respect the originals like Friday the 13th for getting the ball rolling, but the best ideas take a while to develop. That’s why The Final Chapter blows away the original at every turn.




Aliens is better than Alien
Temple of Doom > Raiders
Phantasm 2 > Phantasm

I can do this all day


Nope to the nth degree.


I agree with Aliens, but not about Raiders.

Not a fan of either superhero movies or horror.



If we ran the world the way you wanted to.....then we would all be dead. Luckily smarter people are in charge.



If we didn’t kidnap and torture innocent people then we wouldn’t be trying to stop the big fish. I would much rather 5 innocent people get tortured because we got bad intel than have another 9/11 incident on our hands. You like to point at crumbs, I’m pointing at the asteroid that will wipe everyone out. Liberal logic only makes sense to dum dums, must be why I don’t get it.



Who is they? You’re crying over one dude that got tortured and at the same time not caring about September 11th. Who is delusional here? Hint: it’s you



Can’t answer a single question? Typical brain dead Liberal.



I’m actually a centrist who doesn’t watch any television news, it’s all propaganda including Fox. Responsible people get their news from unbiased online sites, you should maybe look into this.



I never kidnapped or tortured anyone you lunatic. You off your meds again? 😂

I’m not sure you know what a straw man argument is, did they teach you that at community college?

I’m banging on about 9/11 because it wasn’t that long ago and people seem to have forgotten what actually happened on that day. You’re whining about crumbs that nobody cares about, I’m talking about real problems.



We missed the signs on 9/11, we cannot afford another attack of that magnitude. If 5 innocent people have to be tortured then I’m all for it.



Between 5-10 is a decent number of you ask me. It’s a small price to pay when we’re trying to save millions of lives.



Did you heard about resident evil?


Apocalypse and Extinction are definitely the best of that franchise


Apocalypse is the most bad edited movie from the franchise.

I agree with extinction


Yeah it’s a mess but an entertaining one. Definitely better than after life or anything after that.


Day of the dead,Aliens and Evil dead 2 are all better films.Friday the 13th also although 2 was a better movie than 4 in my opinion.Terminator is a matter of choice.Personally i liked the original better.
None of the Halloween sequels are better than the original.You said you thought part 5 was better than the original in another post.Part 5 is at the bottom of my list just above Zombies remakes and Resurrection.
No opinion on Superhero films.


I used to think that Halloween was the best growing up but as an adult I just have too many problems with the movie. The dialogue is just horrendous and it relies too heavily on suspense which is something I never used to pay attention to. Carpenter missed out on the gore and the interesting characters in my opinion.


I remember a character in one of the Scream movies putting up this argument to his classroom. His examples of better sequels were: Terminator 2, Aliens, Godfather, Star War Empire Strike Back. All classics, i'm sure we can agree, but exceptions to the rule. The general consensus, i'm afraid, is that sequels are generally poorer especially in the horror genre.

A few examples of my own: The Fly 2, Blair Witch 2, Blade 2, The Thing 2, Predator 2, Jaws 2, The Ring 2...


The only sequel I liked was The Godfather II


I second that emotion!
Godfather2 is a great example of the perfect sequel!


I found The Godfather II too boring to sit through TBH.


I like a lot of sequels, but I wouldn't say they're better as a rule. My favorite sequels that I like better than the original are Batman Returns, The Dark Knight, Godfather II, Friday the 13th IV The Final Chapter, T2, Bride of Chucky, and Empire Strikes Back. However there are a lot of my favorites that are the original film in a series: Halloween, Ghostbusters, El Mariachi, Sin City, Scream, Predator, Conan the Barbarian, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Jurassic Park, Scanners, Donnie Darko, Spider-Man, Dumb and Dumber, Vacation, and The Last Picture Show. Sort of a toss-up for me because a lot of those I like several sequels a lot and they contend with the original. I just like series with a crapload of entries and not having to pick which is my favorite.


Once in awhile I'll feel this way about a sequel. (Batman Returns, Addams Family Values, 22 Jump Street, The Devils Rejects) I'm not a fan of the movies you mentioned so I can't say they were better than the originals since I didn't care for the originals to begin with.


I think that if you are talking about bigger budget films then maybe some of them are. But look at the number of Direct to Video sequels that just suck. With horror movie franchises you may get one or two sequels that are just as good or surpass the original, but a lot of them end up recycled junk. When there is source material out there, ie comic books, that can continue stories in an interesting manner, sequels can work. When it's just to make more money with a lack of original ideas then we keep ending up with more Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
