MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your Favorite Movies of 1976?

Your Favorite Movies of 1976?

Mikey and Nicky
Next Stop Greenwich Village
Taxi Driver
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Ode to Billy Joe
The Front
Two-Minute Warning


Bad News Bears
Assault on Precinct 13


Another good year for movies !

Several of mine have already been mentioned. I'll add :

Marathon Man
Family Plot


What a great year!

The Town That Dreaded Sundown
JD's Revenge
The Food of the Gods
Logan's Run
The Omen
Mel Brook's Silent Movie
The Eagle Has Landed
Drive-In Massacre
The Bad News Bears
At the Earth's Core
Assault on Precinct 13
Burnt Offerings
The Enforcer
King Kong '76!!
The Killing of a Chinese Bookie
Massacre at Central High
The Outlaw Josey Wales

1976 was a real winner Bill



Im sorry MJF
It was a Boffo year for movies though!
76 was a beast

I have never seen those three films...i need to catch up



Im 21 but my drivers lisence says 45 for some reason...ill have to check on that😁
Yeah...Hoffman and Redford
Two greats!
Its one of those that ive meant to watch but never get around to...



I can only imagine...i was just born and unable to comment lol
The entire affair was crazy!

Who could imagine a fairly well liked and effective US President engaging in ridiculous shenanigans like that?!?

If you wrote that into a script nobody would buy it...its just beyond silly!

Anyway, ill keep an eye out for it as the cast looks terrific and what a story!!

Many thanks MJF



Thats why the entire incident was so queer...he was on top of the world and very likely coasting towards glory...

AND as you stated he had done huge things in Asia (especially the Vietnam pull out...God Bless him for that!)

Then he has Liddey and those other goofballs ransack a hotel room for intel...
Talk about self-sabatoge

Nixon might be remembered as one of our top chiefs if not for this asinine blunder


Will, the autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy was a fascinating read for me. I recommend it for further insights into that fiasco.



Yes, as a boy he embarked upon a personal campaign to systematically conquer all of his fears. His conclusion at the end of the rat episode was, "Now they have to fear me ." There was also the incident of tying himself to the highest point of a tree during a severe storm to overcome his fear of lightning. By the time he went to prison for his part in Watergate, he was literally fearless.



He actually became an actor, appearing in a couple of Miami Vice episodes. He clearly drew upon his background to portray his character, a drug smuggler nicknamed " Captain Real Estate. "



Burnt Offerings

Great ending & the limo driver scene in particular.

Reed is charged with an ultra complex role and he nails it 100%!

Davis in turn looks beautiful in the blue & white outfit---then at death's door, knocking.

Karen Black is robust, motherly, substantial, earthy, wet, fulfilled, promising, on-&-on. I'd eat her up, on-the-spot. That's when I was young. Left the theater, pole vaulted to the car, drove the wife home, put the sprinkler on and pulled my pud. "Somebody is going to call the cops, Cully! Get in the house!"

It will leave you shaken.

I got to award Yonk with a Direct Hit. "Burnt" is a favorite of ours here at the house. That's how we refer to it..."Burnt."

Go on, Yonk, you big, beautiful Yonk, you. Take it on home & cherish it. Cherish that Direct Hit. Pick out a place in the old domicile and set it true.


Im putting the 'direct hit' award on my mantle over the fire thats just burning down now
May toss a log on and hug the wife...
Its quite a lovely sight!
Much obliged Amigo


Tip O' the tam. Bowin' at the waist.


Oh shoot...YOU dont need to bow for a dope like me lol

Im quite pleased to be in your company

Lets keep these lights on and the good times coming Cubby
A cold wet Spring requires warm company...glad we found it here🍻


You're right---as always, Yonk.


Im right twice a day just like a busted clock lololol

Just ask Mrs Shogun...the full report is pretty brutal and she does keep a running record

You are a riot my kill me!


Superb year for movies.

Marathon Man
The Omen
Logan's Run
The Tenant
Burnt Offerings
In the Realm of the Senses

My favorite by far
Voskhozhdenie - The Ascent


Marathon Man

Stands proud & good 40+ years later.

-Acne scarred Marc Lawrence working hard---as always.
-Devane at prime, at zenith.
-Same with "Chief Brody."
-Bright, late of the "Godfather's" - III still ahead. He lights the way for a time in this film.
-Weaver, citing their father in class---and doing so precisely right. Therefore, it stays with us.
-The young boys (actors) chosen well, especially the one for "Doc." ---Therefore you can go back to the time when their father lived with notice and affection. They're not just chosen by happenstance. Time was taken.
-Scheider looks like a million bucks in that theater, in that suit. I Gods!

---Go on, you gigantic, beautiful, god, you. I'm handing out Direct Hits like Carter hands out liver pills, but, I'm granting ya one, nonetheless. Direct Hit for god, for lodging MM---for the tattooed numbers on the actors wrist there on diamond row. What a moment.


Still can't hear the word "cloves" without getting a chill up my spine.



A top five.

1. Network
2. Rocky
3. Taxi Driver
4. All the President's Men
5. The Pink Panther Strikes Again (for pure laughs one of the funniest movies of all time)

Great year for movies. The Seven Percent Solution and The Outlaw Josie Wales are good too.


Watched The Seven Percent Solution recently. The pairing of Sherlock Holmes & Sigmund Freud was definitely unique & interesting.



It never grows old, CJ. The night before the fight,,,they're in bed & he's ruminating in (I) while she is opening her heart in (we). She doesn't criticize him. Man cannot, or, will not acknowledge woman---even at the end of (II) "Yo, Adrian, I did it." She just leads him from the black of night to the goodness of light.

He'll understand everything, everything by "Rocky Balboa."

Sylvester Stallone


Assault on Precinct 13


Taxi Driver , Rocky , Network, The Bad News Bears, The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Shootist, The Enforcer, Murder By Death


King Kong
Silver Streak
The Big Bus
The Omen
Taxi Driver
Bugsy Malone
Murder by Death
